
(C. Jardin) #1
The EconomistOctober 12th 2019 5

1 Contents continues overleaf


The world this week
8 A summary of political

13 The world economy
Strange new rules
14 The Middle East
The man without a plan
14 Autonomous cars
Traffic, jammed
16 India’s economy
A bigstinkonthebrink
18 Pilferingpotentates

20 Onourclimate-change

24 Ukraineand

Afterpage 48

United States
27 Congress v POTUS
28 Offending China
30 Chicago’s red line
32 The meaning of sex
34 Atlantic City
36 Lexington Republicans

The Americas
37 Canada’s election
38 BelloThe end of Peruvian
39 Ecuador’s state of

41 Privilege in South Korea
42 Refugees in New Zealand
42 Thai teenage pregnancy
43 Singapore and Hong Kong
44 BanyanViolence against

46 Domestic violence
47 Emergency powers in
Hong Kong
48 ChaguanLessons from
Tiananmen Square

Middle East & Africa
49 Turkey’s push into Syria
50 Protests in Iraq
51 Elections in Mozambique
51 Money to burn in Kenya
52 Africa’s money-launderers

BagehotThe sad fate of
the ideology that has
animated the Conservative
Party since the 1980s,
page 59

On the cover

The way that economies work
has changed radically. So must
economic policy: leader,
page 13. Inflation is losing its
meaning as an economic
indicator, says Henry Curr.
See our special report, after
page 48. What to make of the
strife at the European Central
Bank:Freeexchange,page 79

  • Trump and Ukraine—the
    backstoryThe telephone call
    that led Congress to investigate
    Donald Trump was the latest
    link in a long, sad and sordid
    chain: briefing,page 24.
    Assessing Congress’s options for
    dealing with an unco-operative
    White House, page 27.
    Institutional conservatives
    would condemn the president;
    Republicans probably will not:
    Lexington, page 36

  • India’s tottering banks
    Arotten financial system could
    ruin the country ’s economic
    prospects: leader, page 16.
    Banks’ share prices are being
    hammered. Investors worry
    about what horror will be
    revealed next, page 73

  • Where are all the self-driving
    cars?The arrival of autonomous
    vehicles is running late. Blame
    Silicon Valley hype—and the
    limits of AI: leader,page 14.The
    path to driverless vehicles is long
    and winding. China is taking an
    alternative route to the West’s,
    page 65

  • Fake moos: the rise of
    plant-based meatThe potential
    for a radically different food
    chain,page 61

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