Finweek English Edition - October 24, 2019

(avery) #1


By Schalk Louw

marketplace investment

finweek 24 October 2019 35


recently got home from work to find my eldest daughter in tears. She
had a massive university assignment due and feared that she wouldn’t
be able to finish in time.
We’ve probably all been there before. Whether it’s an assignment, a
large sports event, or preparing for your retirement, we all know the anxiety
that comes with facing a tight deadline.
My advice to my daughter was to divide the assignment into smaller
sections and to finish each section before moving onto the next, as
opposed to focusing on the assignment in its entirety.
The same principle applies to our personal wealth. The financial aspect
of our lives in their entirety can be so vast and overwhelming that it’s easy
to understand why it causes anxiety and distress.
The task of managing one’s personal wealth can be broken down into
many little pieces, but I’d like to focus on five smaller wealth challenges
that can help combat the anxiety that accompanies financial planning:

  1. Invest in a retirement annuity
    If your employer does not offer retirement benefits, you
    seriously have to consider investing in a retirement
    annuity (RA). It’s a disciplined savings method. In
    addition, the allowable tax-deductible percentage
    (personal income tax) of the greater of your
    taxable income or remuneration currently
    amounts to 27.5%, with an annual maximum
    of R350 000. That means you can enjoy up
    to 27.5% of your income as an allowable tax
    deduction, just by making use of an RA.

  2. What about your emergency fund?
    “Life happens”, right? We’ve all experienced events
    that were completely out of our control, and that ended
    up costing us money we didn’t have at the time.
    We take out short-term insurance to cover us against losses or
    damage to personal items. We take out medical cover against unforeseen
    medical expenses. But do you have an emergency fund to cover you
    against unforeseen expenses, such as your car breaking down outside of
    its warranty?
    Most experts recommend having at least three to six months’ worth of
    personal expenses set aside in an emergency fund. This would normally be
    invested in something like a savings account, or money market account,
    where market volatility isn’t an issue, and where you can gain access to
    your funds within 48 to 72 hours.

  3. Invest in yourself
    James Clear, author of the bestseller, Atomic Habits, summarised four
    types of wealth perfectly:
    ■ Financial wealth (money)
    ■ Social wealth (status)
    ■ Time wealth (freedom)
    ■ Physical wealth (health)
    Building towards your personal wealth doesn’t just mean you have to pay

5 steps to building your wealth

Constructing a financial plan can be quite overwhelming. Compartmentalising the various aspects required to
manage this process can make it easier – and more successful.

Photo: Shutterstock

someone to help you achieve your financial goals. At least three of these
four types of wealth require you to invest in yourself.

  1. Are your ‘containers’ full enough?
    You should, in fact, have three “containers”, or wealth strategies, and these
    containers are not equal in size.
    The first container is your income strategy container. It should contain
    your income and capital requirements for the next three years. These funds
    are normally allocated between cash and income funds.
    Your second container is your wealth preservation strategy container
    and should contain your income and capital requirements from years four
    to six from now. These funds usually have an equity allocation of 30% to
    40% with a goal of achieving returns in excess of inflation plus 3% over a
    rolling three-year period.
    The third container, your wealth creation strategy container, should
    contain the balance of your capital not required for income and
    capital requirements from years one to six. It’s normally
    allocated to long-term investments in balanced- and
    equity funds. These funds should aim to deliver
    returns of inflation plus 4% to 7% over a term of
    longer than six years.
    5. Diversify your risk
    Whether you’re an experienced investor or just
    starting out, always ensure that your risk is well
    diversified. We live in an era where we can invest
    in a variety of asset classes, through various
    service providers and in multiple countries at the
    press of a button. Why would you choose increased
    risk by focusing on only one area?
    I find that some experts are recommending to
    clients that, based on the past few years’ tough economic
    environment, they should now withdraw all funds from their local
    investments and invest those funds in the “better-performing” US. These
    very people also seem to forget that from May 1999 to May 2009 the
    US didn’t show any growth in rand-terms. In fact, it delivered negative
    performance over that period.
    SA has one of the lowest correlations with the US, which means that
    you cannot always draw a parallel between their economic performances.
    If you had invested 50% of your capital in SA and 50% of your
    capital in the US 20 years ago, SA would have been responsible for
    your portfolio’s performance in the first 10 years while the US suffered,
    and the US would have been responsible for good performance
    over the last 10 years while SA suffered. Investing in both countries,
    therefore, as opposed to only one of them, clearly seems to be the
    healthier option.
    Many more aspects can be added to any healthy financial plan.
    But start with these five and take them one at a time. If you still feel
    overwhelmed, you can always ask a financial planner to assist you. ■
    [email protected]
    Schalk Louw is a portfolio manager at PSG Wealth.

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