2019-09-01 Do It Yourself

(Marcin) #1
Noelle Phares is an environmental scientist turned modern artist,
who brings a unique perspective to her work by combining abstract
detail and realistic subjects. She’s partnered with Paintbrush Studio
Fabrics to create Modern Landscapes, a collection of her paintings
recreated on fabric! The cotton basecloth is perfect for quilting,
but also can become a stunning wallhanging in three easy steps!

  1. Sew!

  2. L oop!
    3. Display!

Tie a matching cord to the edges of the rod. Attach a hook to
your wall, and hang and display your new tapestry!

Take a dowl rod (or a curtain rod for a more decorative option!) and
check the width. Double that number, and fold your top edge over
that amount. Sew a straight line, leaving the sides open, and slide
your panel over the rod.

Take your panel, and fold the side and bottom edge over 1/4 inch.
Pin and sew all three edges. Optional: attach a matching fringe or
tassels to the bottom edge!

Paintbrush Studio FabricsTM are available at local, independent fabric stores.
To find a store near you, visit pbsfabrics.com/pages/store-locator

To see the full collection, visit pbsfabrics.com


A scientist by training, Noelle brings her left-brain attention to detail into her artwork, while allowing the
same topics that drove her work in the natural sciences to seep into her paintings. Her most recent body
of work combines landscape elements with structural geometry to create fractured architectural
landscapes that explore the ever-encroaching presence of humanity into previously pristine open spaces.
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