DO IT YOURSELF Winter 2020 17
WHY KNOT To make these knotted hanging
planters, fi rst measure the height of the pot
you’ll be wrapping and decide the length of the
hanging portion plus desired tassel. Cut eight
lengths of this measurement from rope. Group
rope ends and make a gathering knot by folding
the end of one rope down, then wrapping a
second piece of rope (we used an 18-inch piece)
around the gathered ropes and looping through
the folded end to secure (A and B). Trim any
excess rope. Decide where you’ll want the knots
to begin on the pot, then begin the knotting
process: Gather two ropes and tie them in a knot
(C), then separate the ropes and tie each one in a
knot with the opposite neighbor rope. Continue
alternating ropes to make evenly spaced knots in
a diamond pattern (D) the length of the planter.
Finish with another gathering knot to hang.
LOOP DE HOOP Want a minimalist look? This
simple plant hanger is a breeze to make. Measure
your pot and choose an embroidery hoop that
cradles the pot appropriately (we used an 8-inch-
diameter hoop), then decide how long you’d like
the hanger to be. Double that length and cut three
pieces from rope, then fold each in half and attach
to the hoop with lark’s head knots—pull the loose
ends through the folded loop around the hoop
until tight (E). Gather cord ends, knot, and hang.
LEATHER LOOK Cut two 1×54-inch strips of faux
leather or vinyl. Wrap the end of one strip around
an O-ring. Use a rotary punch to punch two holes
through both layers, and secure with a spot of
industrial-strength glue and rivets. Repeat with the
other end of strip to create a loop that hangs from
O-ring. Repeat steps with the second strip to create
two loops that intersect. Use glue and rivets at bottom
intersection to attach the two loops perpendicular to
each other. Cut four 30-inch lengths of cording. Fold
each section in half and tie to the O-ring (F). Bring all
cords together and knot. Cut another 1-inch-wide
strip of faux leather to the diameter of your chosen
pot. Place pot into hanging planter, then secure the
horizontal strip with glue and rivets where it intersects
the vertical strips. If desired, cut a cork round (or use a
coaster) to support the pot inside the hanger.
Know your knots! For more
knotting basics, visit: