- 3/4-inch-thick plywood
- Two 1×12 boards, 8 feet long
- Table saw
- Drill and bits
- Pocket-hole jig
- Sander
- Sandpaper
- Paintbrush and paint for accent color
- Clamps
- Wood glue
- 11/4-inch pocket screws
- Pin nailer
- 11/4-inch pin nails
- Pocket-hole plugs
- Stain (optional)
Step 1 Cut all pieces following the cut
list, below. Use a pocket-hole jig to drill
three evenly spaced pocket holes along
both ends of top and bottom pieces to
connect to the frame sides. For phone
caddy side, cut two pocket holes along
each long edge. For phone caddy
bottom, cut two pocket holes along one
101/2-inch side. Sand all pieces. Paint
plywood back with accent color; let dry.
Step 2 Lay out top, sides, and bottom
for frame. The edges should be
flush at front of frame. Glue pieces
together and secure with clamps;
let dry. Attach pocket screws
through each pocket hole.
Step 3 Place phone caddy bottom and
side in an L shape. Glue pieces and secure
with clamps; let dry. Insert pocket screws.
Step 4 Attach phone caddy to frame
with wood glue and pocket screws,
making sure the front edges are flush
with the front of the box. If desired,
drill a hole through the side of the box
for charging cords to fit through (A).
Step 5 Place cabinet facedown. Attach
plywood backing to frame with pin nails.
Step 6 Fill pocket holes with plugs
(B); sand smooth. Stain cabinet,
if desired, and hang on wall.
GET IN LINE Save yourself
the time and frustration of
painting lines. Instead, use
metallic tape for creating
this geometric artwork, left.
Start by painting a 24×48-
inch artist canvas with
charcoal-color acrylic paint
on the front, and gold-tone
paint on the sides. When
completely dry, use a pencil
and straightedge to sketch the
design onto the canvas front,
then apply tape over the lines.