The Wall Street Journal - 21.10.2019

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R12| Monday, October 21, 2019 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.



The oldest man in the first company
I worked for in 1975 took me aside
and said, “Take $50 out of every pay-
check, put it into savings or an in-
vestment, and pretend you never
earned it.” If I were to update it for
2019, I’d probably say to replace the
$50 with 10% or 15%.
—Martin McCue

Treat bonus compensation as just
that—a bonus. Meaning some-
thing over and above your “regu-
lar” income. And immediately put
the entire bonus into a 401(k) or
some investment device. You’ve
managed to live on your regular
income, so continue to do so. Sec-

ondly, you won’t miss the bonus
money you “never had.” Someday,
as all that accumulates, it will re-
ward you with a “windfall” that
you earned over all those years.
—Jerry Weinstein

1. Don’t buy that bigger house, just
because you think you can afford
it— save and invest the money.
2. Read and apply the advice in Jer-
emy Siegel’s “Stocks for the Long
3. Don’t invest with friends and
family. You want to remain friends
with your friends and family.


ne of a homeowner’s worst night-
mares is learning that major ex-
penses resulting from a natural
disaster aren’t covered by their
insurance policy.
As hurricanes, wildfires and
other natural disasters have in-
creased in recent years, so has
marketing of insurance products designed to
offer policyholders more coverage than typical
homeowners policies give.
With some policies, there is no deductible
and policyholders can spend the money on any
disaster-related expense, say, for finding emer-
gency accommodations. Payouts for such poli-
cies tend to be small and linked to the severity
of the disaster itself, not actual damages,
which is partly why they are not seen as a sub-
stitute for a standard homeowners policy.
Other insurers selling more standard home-
owners policies, meanwhile, are making efforts
to bridge gaps in coverage that result from
high hurricane deductibles and from outdated
estimates of what it costs to rebuild.
“It’s great that the market is experiment-
ing,” says Benjamin Collier, an assistant profes-
sor at Temple University’s Fox School of Busi-
ness. “Insurance typically covers property, but


homeowners policies feature very high deduct-
ibles that pertain specifically to disasters like
Assured Risk Cover is a five-year-old com-
pany that sells a parametric-hurricane-insur-
ance policy in Florida. Founder and CEO Alok
Jha says his company can help pay for damage
to a home, but also out-of-pocket costs, evacua-
tion costs, food spoilage and generator rentals.
The policy, marketed under the name “Storm
Peace,” has no deductible. It provides coverage
up to $60,000 and bases payouts on a hurri-
cane’s strength and the home’s distance from
the storm.
The company sends a text
message to customers within
24 hours of the storm and
makes payment within a day
of receiving their response,
provided that it already has
the customer’s payment infor-
While his product is often
used along with traditional
home or renters insurance, Mr.
Jha says, it can be a stand-
alone product, say, for resi-
dents of mobile homes who
may have a hard time finding
hurricane insurance elsewhere.
The policy costs about 7% of
the total coverage, he says.
Industry experts say there
are some drawbacks to these
types of policies. The amount of a payout, for
example, is determined by the policy, not the
specific amount of destruction. “The payment
could be lower or higher than the actual dam-
ages,” says Carolyn Kousky, executive director
at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton
Risk Management and Decision Processes Cen-
ter, a research institute focusing on risk.
Also, a tropical storm with a lot of rain and
flooding but not enough wind speed to count
as a name hurricane could fail to trigger a pay-
out if the insurer used a gauge like wind speed
to determine reimbursements, Ms. Kousky says.
Another parametric product is Jumpstart,
which provides coverage for earthquakes in Cal-
ifornia and is underwritten by Lloyd’s of Lon-
don. The company, founded in 2015, provides

coverage up to $10,000 for each
adult in a household. If the earth-
quake reaches a certain threshold
measured by the U.S. Geological Sur-
vey, funds will be distributed, usu-
ally via direct deposit, within one to
three days and can be used for any
expenses the policyholder chooses.
The cost of Jumpstart policies
varies by ZIP Code, but the popula-
tion-weighted average cost is about
$20 a month or $240 a year, says
CEO Kate Stillwell. Only about 10%
of California residents have earth-
quake insurance, according to the
California Earthquake Authority.
In some cases, homeowners
might be better off making sure
that the value of their current insur-
ance policy reflects the true value of
their home, especially if they have
updated or upgraded, or if property
values in the area have appreciated.
CoreLogic, a research firm in Ir-
vine, Calif., estimates that roughly
60% of homeowners in the U.S. have
less coverage than it would cost to
completely rebuild their homes if de-
stroyed in a natural disaster. If poli-
cyholders lack savings to fill this
coverage gap, they may be in a par-
ticularly perilous position because it
can also be difficult to borrow
money after a natural disaster.
The California Department of In-
surance found that owners of many
homes damaged by fires in recent
years were underinsured. It wasn’t
“because people were trying to
lower their premium or pay less for coverage,”
spokeswoman Nancy Goldberg says; it was be-
cause they had underestimated the value of
their belongings and the cost to rebuild their
home. Some, she says, had not checked on their
homeowners coverage for a decade or more to
add more coverage to reflect increased value
from improvements and renovations.
Meanwhile, some insurers are working on
reducing deductibles. In Florida, typical hurri-
cane deductibles tend to range from 2%, 5% or
10% of the home’s insured value or replacement
cost. And many homeowners don’t realize their
hurricane deductible is separate from and
much higher than the deduct-
ible for other kinds of damage.
During hurricanes Irma and
Michael, a lot of customers did
not understand that their hur-
ricane deductible was far larger
than their standard deductible,
says Barry Gilway, president
and chief executive of Citizens
Property Insurance Corp.
To bridge that gap, some in-
surers now offer lower hurri-
cane deductibles or separate
hurricane-deductible insurance,
which helps cover amounts not
covered by another policy due
to a hurricane deductible, Mr.
Gilway says.
Zurich American Insurance
Co.’s Cat4Home policy offers
Florida homeowners coverage for hurricane de-
ductibles up to $100,000. Any damage caused
by incidents that are covered under the pri-
mary policy would be covered, which typically
excludes flooding. The cost of such coverage
generally depends on the home’s overall value
and location, the company says.
Will Kastroll, founder of the Naples, Fla.-
based insurance agency Harbour Insurance, sug-
gests to customers shopping for home insurance
another way to reduce hurricane deductibles: a
policy with a step-down deductible credit. If the
deductible goes untouched, Mr. Kastroll says, it
shrinks over time, usually several years.

Ms. Ward is a writer living in Mendham,
N.J. Email her at [email protected].

“A tropical storm
with a lot of rain,
flooding, but not
enough wind
speed to count
as a name
hurricane, could
fail to trigger a
payout if the
insurer used a
gauge like wind

households have a variety of additional chal-
lenges following a disaster.”
One type of policy consumers are seeing
more of is catastrophic parametric insurance.
Unlike traditional indemnity insurance, para-
metric policies pay a predetermined amount of
money when a trigger is met—such as a named
storm, certain wind speeds, geological read-
ings, waterlines, flood depths or burned acre-
age. No claim needs to be filed to receive the
payout. And while such payouts tend to be
small, they can be helpful when disaster-re-
lated deductibles, like those for hurricanes and
earthquakes, leave home-
owners responsible for
tens of thousands of dol-
lars before any payout
The parametric model
is not new. Low-income
farmers in developing
countries have also used
parametric policies for
catastrophic coverage.
Companies and munici-
palities have used them
to recoup loses, like drops in sales or tax reve-
nues, after natural disasters.
One reason parametric insurance may be of
growing interest to homeowners in areas par-
ticularly vulnerable to hurricanes, earthquakes
and floods is that there are frequently large
gaps in their catastrophic insurance coverage;
supplemental insurance for flood or earth-
quake policies tends to be expensive, or their

As natural disasters increase,
homeowners are looking for
ways to cover more expenses

Insurers Aim to

Fill In the

Disaster Gap

Insured homes
that have a
insurance claim
each year
Source: Insurance
Information Institute

A neighborhood
destroyed by the Camp
Fire in Paradise, Calif.,
November 2018.

In a recent article, we asked people in the business of doling out
financial advice what advice has resonated most with them. What
advice did they receive that has changed their lives for the better?
Their answers involved strategies for investing, cautions about
spending, ways to avoid psychological traps, and much more.
After the article ran, Wall Street Journal readers chimed in with
their own stories, detailing the best advice they had ever received.
Here is an edited sampling:

4. Save and invest annual bonuses.
—Peter Scanlon

If you don’t understand it,
don’t buy it.
—Patricia Walsh

Do the analysis and write it down.
Then invest and hold for the long
term. If the stock drops, look up
your analysis and remind yourself
why you invested.
—Jalaji Venkatesan

Get completely out of debt before
you retire and the paychecks stop.
And, never, ever co-sign a loan for

anyone—not your parents, kids,
best friend.
—William Rowland

“What’s something worth?” Ex-
actly what someone else will pay
for it. No more. No less.
May not sound like a grand in-
sight, but think about it. Stocks?
Bonds? Businesses? Homes? Cars?
This can be profound because it
captures the psychology of buying
and selling, which our entire mar-
ket-driven economy is based on.
—Pete Salinger

Years ago, a stock I liked—and had
thought about buying—had risen
sharply since its IPO. Frustrated at
my failure to pull the trigger when I
first saw it, I said to my uncle, “Now
100 shares will cost me $2,000. I’m
going to wait.” That’s when he said,
“Don’t concentrate on the higher
cost of a certain number of shares
of a stock and become paralyzed.
Just take an amount you can afford
and buy the stock.”
—Larry Cousins

My advice to mutual-fund inves-
tors—which I learned the hard
way—is that below-average-per-
forming funds tend to remain that
way, and that the years a fund can
outperform an index fund are few.
Rating services, such as Morning-
star, don’t exist by offering mis-
leading evidence.
—Robert Stassen

Your best investment is usually
whatever increases your hourly
“wage.” Rather than work for
someone, invest in whatever it
takes to be self-employed. After
that put every nickel back into
upgrading your business. Buying
a machine that increases your
hourly earnings by a few dollars
is the best return you can get on
your money.
—Steve Wray

Live like a graduate student. Be
very careful about small daily ex-
penditures and invest in the long-
term goods and benefits.
—Liz Giovane

The Best Financial Advice I Ever Got: The Readers Weigh In With Their Own Stories

‘Take $50 out of every
paycheck, put it into
savings or an
investment, and
pretend you never
earned it.’
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