5 SWEDEN (SPOT, $114)
The streaming com-
pany that weaned the
music industr y off
MP3s and onto
monthly subscriptions
continues its quest for
domination, with Apple
and Amazon nipping at
its heels. The Stock-
holm-based company
is spending billions to
build out its signature
ser vice as it dives into
new markets like India
and Latin America.
Live Nation
16 U.S. (LYV, $68)
LIVE NATION continues
to capitalize on millen-
nials, who are driving
the “experience-based
economy.” The ticket-
ing and live events
giant had a record
2018, reporting its
13th consecutive year
of revenue growth.
And a surge of concert-
goers helped drive the
stock to a new high in
July. But the company
is also expanding
into movie produc-
ing—it backed A Star
Is Born—and investing
in digital tickets and
mobile buying, which
now makes up 45% of
ticket sales globally.
One possible hurdle:
regulatory scrutiny,
with some lawmakers
questioning the state
of competition in
t he s ec t or.
They’ve got a live one:
a Live Nation concert
in Raleigh, N.C.