
(Chris Devlin) #1

22 McCall’s Quick Quilts December/January 2020


Patches are lettered in order of use.
Measurements include ¼ ̋ seam allow-
ances. Border strips will be pieced and
cut to exact length needed. You may
want to make them longer to allow for
piecing variations.

Cut foundation patches at least 1 ̋ larger
than the corresponding foundation area.

  • Assorted prints
    cut a total of:
    12 squares 6 ̋ (A)
    Foundation patches

  • White print
    6 strips 2 ̋ x WOF for border
    13 squares 10 ̋ (F)
    48 squares 3¼ ̋ (B)
    24 rectangles 2⅞ ̋ x 10 ̋ (C)
    20 template D

  • Navy dot*
    5 template E

  • Red dot*
    7 strips 2½ ̋ x WOF for binding

*Read Plan.

NOTE: Fabrics in the quilt shown are
Snow Day designed by Stacy Iest Hsu for
Moda Fabrics.

1 Referring to Fast Flying Geese
in Quilt Basics and to Diagram I, use
assorted print A’s and white print B’s
to make 48 Flying Geese as shown.

2 Sewtogether4 FlyingGeeseand
2 whiteC’sasshownto makeblockY
(DiagramII). Make 12 blocksY’stotal.

Flying Geese
Make 48 total

Make 12

Block Y

Diagram II


Make 20 total

Make 5

Block Z

Diagram IV



3 Make 20 accurate copies of founda-
tion master. Referring to Foundation
Piecing in Quilt Basics and to Dia-
gram III, use asssorted prints to make
section as shown. Make 20 sections

4 Referring to Diagram IV, join 4 sec-
tions and 4 D’s as shown. Using
seams as a guide, arrange navy E in
center of sections. Fuse in place, plac-
ing paper from fusible web or scrap
fabric underneath to prevent E from
sticking to ironing board. Machine
stitch around E to complete block Z.
Make 5 block Z’s total.
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