
(Chris Devlin) #1

44 McCall’s Quick Quilts December/January 2020

3 On wrong side of 8 green D’s, mark
45-degree line from 1 corner to raw
edge as shown in Diagram III. Layer
2 green D’s with batting D and stitch
diagonal line as shown. Trim corner
and turn right side out to make unit 3.
Make 8 total.

4 ReferringtoDiagramIV, fold E in half
as shown, right sides together. Layer
E with batting F and stitch seam as
shown. Turn right side out to make
unit 4. Make 32.


Patchesareletteredin orderof use.
Measurementsinclude¼ ̋ seamallow-
cutto exactlengthneeded.Youmay
wantto makethemlongerto allowfor

= cutin halfoncediagonally
= cutin halftwicediagonally

  • 2 panelprints
    6 squares 9 ½ ̋ (A)

  • Whitedot
    5 strips 2 ¼ ̋ x WOFforborder
    4 strips2½ ̋x WOF

  • Multicolorstripe
    2 strips6½ ̋x WOF

  • Greenprint
    56 rectangles2½ ̋x 6½ ̋(C)
    16 rectangles2½ ̋x 3¼ ̋ (D)
    20 squares2½ ̋(B)

  • Yellowprint
    16 squares 6 ⅜ ̋ cut to make
    32 triangles(E)

  • Battingforfinishingtreatment
    8 squares 6 ⅜ ̋ cut to make
    32 triangles (F)
    28 rectangles 2½ ̋ x 6 ̋ (C)
    8 rectangles 2½ ̋ x 3 ̋ (D)

NOTE: Fabrics in the quilt shown are
Adventures of Bear and Friends designed
by Jane Chapman for Elizabeth’s Studio

1 Referring to Diagram I, join
2 white dot 2½” strips and
multicolor stripe 6½ ̋ strip to make
band as shown. Make 2 bands. Cut
bands into segments 2½ ̋-wide to
make 31 unit1’sas shown.

2 On wrongsideof 28green print C’s,
mark 45-degree lines from 2 corners
to raw edge as shown in Diagram II.
Layer 2 green print C’s right sides to-
gether on a batting C as shown. Stitch
seams as indicated and trim corners.
Turn right side out to make unit 2.
Make 28 total.


Make 2

Unit 1

Cut 31 2½ ̋
2 ½ ̋ x WOF

Diagram II

Unit 2
Make 28


Diagram III

Unit 3
Make 8


Diagram IV

Unit 4
Make 32


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