(Marcin) #1

The turkey

When it comes to avoiding a dry turkey, our experts say it’s all about brining.
Isabelle Caulfield (Poly, Sydney) suggests brining your bird for three days in
water mixed with five per cent of its volume in salt and four per cent in sugar,
with extras like chilli, pepper and cloves, to lock in moisture before cooking the
bird low and slow. Jaclyn Koludrovic (Icebergs Dining Room & Bar, Sydney)
brines her turkey just a day in advance, using a ratio of six per cent salt and
two per cent sugar, plus added aromatics, and Lil McCabe (Kingdom of Rice,
Sydney) says to ensure the turkey is fully submerged so the brine seasons the
meat from the inside out (which means you’ll need a container big enough to
house your bird). Pat the skin dry with paper towels before dressing with olive

oil and push butter under the skin for maximum crispness, juiciness and flavour.
Michael West (Love, Tilly Devine, Sydney) says his biggest tip is to bring the
turkey to room temperature before roasting, so it cooks more evenly. And
how often should you baste? The chefs suggest every 15-20 minutes.

Cooking an all-out Christmas feast and feeling the pressure? We talk

top festive cooking tips with some of the country’s best chefs to help you

nail that perfectly succulent turkey, roast potatoes to die for and more.



Photography CON POULOS Styling GERALDINE MUÑOZ Food preparation JESSICA BROOK

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