
(やまだぃちぅ) #1
1 ½"


the thread markings of the bust
dart. On the featured sample, the
center of the design is 1½ " from the
armscye at the shoulder; however,
this measurement may need to be
adjusted depending on the size
you are making. It is also important
to note that while the center line is
straight, it does not run parallel to
the grain line on the pattern (A).

  • Repeat to mark a second, mirror-
    image line on the dress front
    opposite side.

  • Find the horizontal center of each
    line; pin-mark. Find the half-way
    points between the shoulder and
    the pins and the waistline and the
    pins; mark.

  • Hoop a piece of cutaway stabilizer.
    Spray lightly with temporary
    adhesive, then smooth the fabric
    over the stabilizer, aligning the
    design vertical centerline with the
    vertical line and the horizontal
    centerline with one of the upper
    horizontal marks.

  • Smooth the nap, then place a piece
    of water-soluble topper over the
    fabric. Secure with tape or using
    the machine’s baste-in-the-hoop
    function, if available.

  • Embroider the design, changing
    colors and trimming jump threads
    as necessary.

  • Repeat to embroider a second
    design along the lower half of the
    vertical line and two more designs
    along the opposite side line.

  • Mark the seam and hem allowances
    on each flutter sleeve, then
    randomly mark the placements for
    8–10 tiny rose designs within those
    markings, rotating them to add

  • Embroider the designs, following
    the same steps as previously.


  • Construct the dress per the pattern
    instructions, omitting the narrow
    hem and replacing it with a single-
    fold hem.

Delicate Rose Border M20291 and Tiny
Rose M17519 designs: Embroidery Library;

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