
(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  • Fold in the tabs on the front and
    back and the side flaps on the floor.
    Poke the awl through the eyelets to
    make sure they are totally open (C).

  • Lay the pieces out, wrong side up,
    with the front piece on the left, the
    floor in the middle and the back on
    the right (D).

  • Place the bottom flaps of the front
    and back sections over the floor,
    aligning the eyelets. Place a snow-
    flake brad through the eyelets and
    fasten in place (E).

  • Align the sleigh back tabs to the
    back of the sleigh sides and insert
    brads to hold those sections to-
    gether (F).

  • Continue working around the sleigh
    until all the brads are inserted to
    hold the sections together (G). Use
    the awl to help align the eyelets.

  • Insert the remaining snowflake
    brads around the edges and
    through the center eyelets.

  • Place the styrofoam piece between
    the middle section of the sleigh
    runners; the 5" edge goes from
    runner to runner and the 6" edge
    runs the length from front to back.
    Use the appliqué pins to secure
    the foam in place along the middle
    section on both runners (H).

Download the Snowflake Sleigh designs from until Dec. 31, 2019.
Purchase the designs after the expiration at

Amazon carries snowflake brads:


Free download pdf