
(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Supplies listed are enough to
create one stocking.

+½ yard each of plaid
fabric (main) & polar
fleece (lining)
+¼ yard of white woven
cotton fabric (cuff)
+2½ "×8½ " rectangle of
matching or contrasting
plaid fabric (cuff accent)
+4" square of contrasting plaid
fabric (scarf appliqué)
+Scrap of white polar fleece
+Thread: all-purpose, bobbin &
+Stabilizer: fusible cut-away &
+In-the-hoop cuff & snowman
appliqué (See “Designs.”)


  • Load the in-the-hoop cuff design
    onto the embroidery machine.

  • Select a built-in alphabet. Type the
    desired name onto the machine
    screen. Rotate the name 90º clock-
    wise. Center the name within the
    cuff design (A).

  • Hoop a piece of cut-away stabilizer
    and the woven cotton fabric, cen-
    tering the fabric within the hoop.
    Place the hoop onto the machine.

  • Embroider the design outline and
    the cuff placement line (B).



Download the Cozy
Snowman Stocking in-
the-hoop cuff, snowman
appliqué design and
stocking pattern from until
Dec. 31, 2019.


  • Download the Cozy Snowman
    Stocking in-the-hoop cuff design,
    snowman appliqué design and
    stocking pattern from cmemag.
    com/freebies until Dec. 31, 2019.
    Print the pattern; cut out.

  • Cut two stockings from the main
    fabric using the corresponding pat-
    tern. Designate one as the front and
    the other as the back.

  • Repeat to cut two stockings from
    the lining fabric.


  • Designate one cuff-accent long
    edge as the right edge. Position the
    cuff-accent rectangle wrong side up
    over the hooped fabric, aligning the
    right edge just beyond the place-
    ment line (C).

  • Embroider the tacking stitches.

  • Fold the cuff accent right side up;
    finger-press (D).

  • Embroider the cross-stitch knots
    and the name. Remove the hoop
    from the machine and the fabric
    from the hoop. Cut away the stabi-
    lizer from the designperimeter.

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