
(やまだぃちぅ) #1
the paper along the hoop inner
perimeter. Remove the paper to
expose the adhesive.

  • Position the front panel right side
    up over the hooped stabilizer,
    centering the design markings
    within the hoop and making
    sure the nap direction is correct;
    finger-press to secure. Smooth the
    fabric nap.

  • Place the hoop onto the machine.
    Embroider the basting stitch and
    nap-blocker design using thread
    that matches the front panel (B).

  • Embroider the monogram design,
    using a coordinating thread color.
    Remove the hoop from the ma-
    chine and the fabric from the hoop.

    • Trim the jump threads and basting
      stitches. Cut away the excess stabi-
      lizer from the design perimeter.

Use ½ " seam allowances unless otherwise
noted, press seam allowances open
using a pressing cloth and pink, serge- or
zigzag-finish the seam allowances.

  • Fold the divider panel in half width-
    wise with wrong sides together;
    press. Designate the folded edge as
    the upper edge.

  • Position the front-lining panel right
    side up on a flat work surface. Position
    the divider panel over the lining
    panel, aligning the side and lower
    edges; pin. Baste the divider using a
    3⁄8" seam allowance.

    • Stitch the back-lining upper edge and
      the back-panel upper edge with right
      sides together.


To prevent the minky fabric
from stretching during
stitching, generously pin the
seam edges close together,
and then add a second
row of pins in the opposite
direction of the stitching
direction. Keep the second
row in place during stitching.

52 CMEMAG.COM | Winter 2019

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