
(やまだぃちぅ) #1



Embroider delicate floral designs on a
beanie, including the cuff, for a one-
of-a-kind winter accessory.

+Readymade knit beanie
with cuff
+Stabilizer: cut-away &
+Temporary spray adhesive
+Thread: all-purpose &
+Hand sewing needle (optional)
+Floral corner & border design
(approximately 3¾ " square &
2"×6"; see “Designs.”)


  • Position the beanie right side up on
    a flat work surface. Find the beanie
    vertical and horizontal center be-
    tween the cuff upper edge and
    beanie crown; pin-mark. Designate
    as the crown design placement.

  • Find the cuff vertical and horizontal
    center; pin-mark. Designate as the
    cuff design placement (A). Unfold
    the cuff.

    • Cut along one beanie side seam
      from the lower edge across the
      crown. If there’s no side seam, use
      the upper seam or pleat as the
      cutting guide (B).


  • Hoop a piece of cut-away stabilizer.
    Spray temporary adhesive over the
    stabilizer. Position the beanie over
    the stabilizer, centering the crown-
    design placement pin-marks within
    the hoop; finger-press to secure.

  • If available, use the baste-in-the-
    hoop feature on the machine to
    secure the layers.

  • Lightly spray the beanie with tem-
    porary spray adhesive. Center a
    piece of water-soluble stabilizer
    over the beanie; finger-press to

  • Load the floral corner design onto
    the machine. Duplicate the design,
    and then vertically mirror. Align the
    designs to create one continuous
    design, making sure the entire de-
    sign fits onto the beanie. If needed,
    reduce the design size or overlap a
    portion of the design to fit the em-
    broidery area.

  • Embroider the design, changing
    thread colors as desired.


  • Remove the hoop from the ma-
    chine and the stabilizer from the
    hoop. Carefully cut away the water-
    soluble and cut-away stabilizer close
    to the design perimeter.

  • Repeat to embroider the cuff
    design, noting that the beanie lower
    edge is actually the cuff upper
    edge (C).


  • For a beanie without a lining, posi-
    tion the beanie with right sides
    together; pin. Zigzag stitch the side
    seam close to the raw edge.

  • For a beanie with a lining, position
    the beanie front and back with right
    sides together; pin. Continue pin-
    ning the lining right sides together
    to create a loop (D).

  • Zigzag stitch close to the raw
    edges, leaving an opening in the
    lining for turning.

  • Turn the beanie right side out
    through the opening. Hand stitch or
    machine stitch the opening closed.

  • Remove the remaining water-
    soluble topper according to the
    manufacturer’s instructions.

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