
(やまだぃちぅ) #1
+Fabric-like water-soluble
+Cork fabric or felt scraps in
white, red, brown and green
+Textile glue or epoxy
+Embroidery thread
+Yarn or baker’s twine
+Rhinestone crystals (optional)
+White nail polish
+Freestanding lace charm
embroidery design (approx.
0.69"×1.43"; see “Design”)
Instructions listed are for six lace charms.
Make as many or as few as desired.

  • Using the templates at cmemag.
    com/freebies, cut the following
    shapes from the cork fabric or felt
    scraps. From red scraps, cut one
    candy cane, one gift bow and one
    Santa hat. From green, cut one gift
    and one wreath. From white, cut
    one scarf and one hat trim. From
    brown, cut one antler set.

  • Load the design onto the machine.

  • Paint stripes on the candy cane
    shape with white nail polish.

  • On the machine screen, duplicate
    the design as many times as desired,
    ensuring there’s at least ½ " between
    each design.

  • Hoop two pieces of fabric-like
    water-soluble stabilizer.


  • Thread the machine with the thread
    color and the bobbin with matching
    thread. Use the same thread in the
    machine and in the bobbin.

  • Place the hoop onto the machine
    and embroider the designs.

62 CMEMAG.COM | Winter 2019

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