
(やまだぃちぅ) #1

What’s your favorite thing
you’ve designed?

I have a lot of favorites, but my
current favorite is Ocean Odyssey.
I designed all the fabrics used in the
quilt for Island Batik. The 30-piece
fabric line was produced with the
same name of “Ocean Odyssey.”

I created all the designs for the
fabric and selected all the fabric
colorways. As I digitized the
appliqué embroidery designs,
I knew exactly where each fabric
was going to be placed. It was
wonderful to have every color and
texture I needed.

What is your advice to
new embroiderists?

My advice to someone with an
embroidery machine is to use it.
Many times, I meet people who

have purchased an embroidery
machine but don’t know how to
operate it. There are so many things
you can create with am embroidery
machine. Everyone should take the
time to learn what their machine
can do at their local sewing machine
dealer. Enroll in classes, be creative
and find your passion.

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