BBC World Histories - 10.2019 - 11.2019

(sharon) #1

JOURNEYS In the footsteps of Ibn Battuta’s journeys across Africa and Asia

13 or 14 June 1325
The 21-year-old Ibn Battuta
sets off alone from his home
in Morocco on his Hajj
pilgrimage. He first heads
east via Algiers to Tunis,
where he stays till November

E ar ly 1326
Arriving in Cairo, having
toured Alexandria, Ibn Battuta
studies law and enjoys being a
tourist in the “mother of cities”

July 1326
Ibn Battuta departs for Jerusalem,
then a small town of 10,000 people,
where he visits al-Aqsa Mosque
and the Dome of the Rock before
continuing to Damascus

September 1326
Turning south, Ibn Battuta
performs the Hajj pilgrimage,
visiting the Prophet’s
Mosque in Medina and
the holy cit y of Mecc a

Having returned to Mecca to
study, Ibn Battuta sails south
along the east African coast,
visiting Yemen, Mogadishu and
Mombasa before returning north
and travelling across Anatolia

13 32
Ibn Battuta arrives in
Constantinople and meets the
Byzantine emperor Andronikos
III P al aiologos

Hav ing retur ned home to Morocco, Ibn
Battuta departs again for the great
empire of Mali, crossing the Sahara
with a caravan of camels. He meets
Mans a Sul ay man and v isit s T imbuk tu

Now living in Fez, Ibn Battuta
is ordered by the Marinid
Sultan Abu Inan to write his
memoir – the stor y of his
great travels
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