
(Tuis.) #1
wfmag.cc \ 39

A beginner’s guide to Ren’Py


 Śith the goƃȢ oǹ ǁiscoʤering
ʥhƃt hƃppeneǁ or escƃping ƃt
the right momentӗ One Night
Čtƃnǁ creƃtes ƃ ʤerʰ reƃȢ ƃnǁ
tense eʯperienceӝ

<ou can see how characters are defined and
positioned in Figure 3, with f being our fox
and h being our hamster. <ou won’t necessarily
have to use the transform function, but as my
character images were a bit shorter than they
usually are in visual novels, I’ve had to place
them higher up the screen, so they aren’t
obscured by the dialogue window. LJalign sets
their position hori]ontally  for left and  for
right) while yalign sets their position vertically
 for the top of the screen,  for the bottom).
As I’m Must having the characters stay in one
position for this tutorial, I’ve only set two custom
locations, but you may want to set more.
The {w} tag tells 5en’3y to display the first part
of the dialogue then wait for my click to display
the rest. And by having show after the dialogue,
the game waits until it has displayed the
dialogue before displaying the hamster. <ou can
see what the results look like in Figure 4.
Now let’s add some Tuick sound effects
and music. To play sound effects, use the

command play sound, and in double Tuotation
marks, follow this with the file name and its
extension see Figure 5). The same goes for
music – you can see in the example script that
I’ve used play music ɈfoLJɀsong.mpǢ” to set a
melody playing between two lines of dialogue.
Note that 5en’3y doesn’t like spaces in audio file
names, so you’ll want to get used to including
dashes or get really good at coming up with
single-word names.
As you can see, I’ve also included another
show function for foLJ normal and hamster normal,
which Must shows you how simple it is to change
your character images for different emotions
within a scene.
With Must these simple functions, you can
make a full visual novel in 5en’3y. (ven if you
can’t draw or write a soundtrack, there are
tonnes of free-to-use resources out there

  • incompetech, for example, is an ama]ing
    resource for free music. 6o what are you
    waiting for? *o and tell your story.

 Figure 5: ‰ere ʰou cƃn see hoʥ ʥe cƃn
use simpȢe commƃnǁs to pȢƃʰ sounǁ
eǹǹects or pieces oǹ music ƃt specific
moments in our gƃmeӝ

 Figure 4: ťou cƃn ƃȢso chƃnge the
ƹƃcȟgrounǁ oǹ the ǁiƃȢogue ƹƃr so
thƃt itԇs opƃɧue ƃnǁ ǁoesnԇt shoʥ
oǹǹ ʰour chƃrƃcterԇs ːoƃting torsoӝ
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