
(Tuis.) #1


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Larian Studios \^ Developer Profile

Divinity: Original Sin II
PC / PS4 / XBO / Switch 2017
This is way too short a space to do a game
as truly stunning as Original Sin II any justice.
Safe to say, it earned a lot through Kickstarter,
it over-delivered, it put its excellent precursor
in the shade, and if you haven’t played it, you
really should do yourself a favour. Hand on
heart one of the best RPGs ever made, and a
no-brainer recommendation for any and all.

Divinity II: Ego Draconis
PC / X360 2009
The technological step-up needed at the
time, Divinity II: Ego Draconis took the action
to a third-person 3D realm and added in
the chance to control a dragon as well as
your human avatar. An impressive narrative
backbone and plenty of choice throughout
made it a hit with fans, even if critics remained
cautious with their praise.

Divinity: Dragon
PC 2013
Another step out of the comfort zone, Dragon
Commander remained in the Divinity world but
took things in an RTS direction – a return to
the genre Larian began with. Seen as a brave
effort, Dragon Commander did receive a bit
of criticism for trying to be too many things at
once. All the same, those who loved it, loved it.

Divinity: Original Sin
PC / PS4 / XBO 2014
What do you do with a committed fan base, a
media focused elsewhere, and the desire to
make a game in a genre seen as ‘dead’? You go
to Kickstarter, raise over £750k, and you
make one of the best CRPGs ever, that’s what.
Original Sin may have been bettered, but its
launch changed Larian – the studio suddenly
became hugely respected across the industry.

Baldur’s Gate III
PC / Stadia TBC
After making one of the best games ever to
emerge from the Dungeons & Dragons-alike
wheelhouse, it’s of little surprise Larian was
handed the reins to the actual D&D-based
Baldur’s Gate III. We know little about this
long-awaited sequel, but with a team capable
of putting together Original Sin II at the helm,
there’s little doubt it’s going to be a good ‘un.

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