
(Tuis.) #1

60 / wfmag.cc



 The game’s atmosphere is
fantastic throughout.

Police armed with angry, invisible monsters. What could go wrong?

stop society dissolving around you, as long as
you keep it on a leash.
The surprising brilliance of Astral Chain is how
it uses this setup to thematically unite all kinds
of disparate objectives, making you play both
everyday beat cop and superpowered action
hero. Here, rescuing cats, collecting litter, and
chasing down graɝti artists are as much your
Mob as flying through a dimensional portal to
take down some vicious fiend. In one mission,
you have to destroy a colossal creature tearing
up the city centre. In the next, you’re sent to
help with the clean-up effort afterwards. But it
never feels disjointed. As a kind of total action-
adventure that constantly segues between
exploration, environmental pu]]les, platforming,
and combat, it has parallels to the recent God of
War, but with a streamlined cohesion that stops
it feeling so overweight.
The result is a game of huge variety
where everything somehow slots into place.
'irector Takahisa Taura brings aspects of his



Switch (tested)
Out now

Astral Chain



Jon Bailes

alk around Astral Chain’s
police station, or its Harmony
6Tuare, and you’ll notice
how clean everything looks.
This consumerist idyll of chatty
vending machines, electronic J-pop melodies,
and backlit advertising displays also implies a
strict order, where citi]ens are gently herded
by holographic barriers, and a discarded drinks
can feels so incongruous you can’t help but pop
it in the nearest bin. It’s beautifully clinical, but
at the same time unnervingly sterile. So when
the rifts appear in this society, literally, as gaping
red holes punched into that pristine surface,
spewing forth warped creatures and dragging
civilians into a nightmare dimension, it somehow
feels fully deserved.
It seems you can’t maintain perfect order
without a touch of chaos bursting through.
6omehow, it’s necessary to balance the two.
And this is where you come in. Part man (or
woman), part commander of dimension-shifting
monsters, all cop. The titular astral chain links
the law to its repressed opposite, with your
rookie oɝcer shackled to a Ȇ/egion’, an enslaved
Ȇchimera’ from the Astral 3lane that might help


1he fi{e egions are the stars
of stral hainŬ ach has its
own fighting style and sync
mo{es, not to mention a little
nersonalityŬ ut the fun often
comes from denloying their
indi{idual skills in and out of
battle, from se{ering wires
and snining targets to sniffing
out hidden items and lobbing
hea{y ob`ects aroundŬ


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