Basic Drawing Made Amazingly Easy (Made Amazingly Easy Series)

(sharon) #1

  1. The two semicircular guards maintain consistent perspective, as
    they are placed along a vanishing line that runs parallel to the
    diagonal line at the end of the boat (to its left).

The bow (front) of the ship is almost always slightly higher than the
stern (rear).

Not all projects need to be challenging for you to enjoy spending a
little extra creative time working at them. Here’s an example of a
relatively easy scene that is breezy and atmospheric. If you’re a
painter or a watercolorist, or if you like colored pencils or pastels,
you can use this as a basis for a color work.
We want our viewer to react positively to the scene we are about
to create. But developing a scene takes more than simply drawing
pretty pictures. We artists are like tour guides, and therefore we have
to make sure that the viewer doesn’t miss anything important in the
scene we’ve created.

Here are a few general principles to keep in mind when composing a
scene and how, specifically, we’ve used them here:

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