Basic Drawing Made Amazingly Easy (Made Amazingly Easy Series)

(sharon) #1

  1. First set of vanishing lines

  2. Second set of vanishing lines
    Two-Point Perspective. The block is now turned so that a corner is
    facing front. As a result, the vanishing lines are traveling off in two
    different directions, neither of which is straight back down the picture
    plane. Turning the object at a two-point-perspective angle has also
    made an additional plane visible, which we have taken the opportunity
    to shade in a darkened tone. This enhances the three-dimensionality of
    the object. Remember this easy rule of thumb: Whenever you see a
    corner facing you, the object is affected by two-point perspective.

At this point, you may be wondering if you really need all those
vanishing lines we’ve been talking about. Let’s see what can happen
when you don’t let the principles of perspective guide you.

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