
(backadmin) #1
the family bathroom which sits behind this room,
off the corridor, and faces the neighbours.
The guest ensuite was to have a glass roof
too, sitting at right angles to the striking curtain
walling, however as Sarah says, they decided to
shelve this design as it was impossible to
achieve. “We just couldn’t make it work, so we
had to rethink it. Any redesign costs a fortune –
it’s galling that it cost so much extra money for
removing a design feature, especially as we have
ended up with a standard ceiling.”
However there were no compromises when
it came to the master bedroom, which has
a great view over the park thanks to the sliding

glass doors. The wall behind the bed separates
the room from a walk-in wardrobe (a room
in itself), and off this is the ‘big reveal’, a very
impressive mosaic-tiled bathroom, featuring
a free-standing bath in pride of place, centrally
located on a protruding wall flanked by
two windows.
“We compromised on all the other bathrooms
to get this one perfect,” says Sarah, explaining
how this refuge was at the top of their wish-list.
The wall that the bath sits against wasn’t quite
central, “so the bath had to be exactly central;
the minutest detail was important to us,” says
Sarah. The shower has a £500 ‘soft-feel’ shower
tray, there’s a Bluetooth-enabled speaker in the
ceiling, and various lighting moods can be
provided. The tile “wasn’t expensive,” insists
Sarah, “however, buying through our tiler meant
we got his 35 per cent trade discount.”
The bedroom is double-aspect, with a
window to the side giving a view of the tree,
and the squirrels’ dray, which helps give the
room a feeling of tranquility with views of nature
wherever you look. Sarah and Andy carried
through this idea having enjoyed seeing the
squirrels in the previous house’s bedroom
which also had a window on this side.
(Somewhat bizarrely, the house was designed
with no window looking towards the park,
however they have remedied this in a big way.)
Situated above the living area is a snug

“Almost nothing in

this house has been

bought at retail

price,” says Sarah,

“we’ve basically

bought on sale or

gone to the




Know how you want
to live and don’t
compromise on that.
We knew that we
wanted to end up with
something that was a
flexible space september/october 2019
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