Jeremy Lange photographed the Teems – a family
devastated by the loss of their son to an undiag-
nosed genetic condition: “the most valuable aspect
of my job as a photographer is the privilege of
entering someone’s home and being given access
to their life. David and Allyson Teem (below) were
so open to sharing their son with us to celebrate
his life, while also being vulnerable and willing to
express their sorrow. Strength like that is what we
all hope we could muster in a similar situation.”
Christoffer Rudquist travels to Jakarta to photograph what may be the first megacity
lost to climate change: “Jakarta has as many facets as it has waterways, so it’s hard to
get the full picture – it’s the only place I’ve visited that I couldn’t wrap my head around.
You’ll find hand-built huts on stilts butting up to a luxury villa; on roads where kids sell
nick-knacks to motorists, you’ll have a gang of Ferrari owners speeding down the strait –
and it all runs along stretches of some of the most polluted water I’ve ever come across.
The people of Jakarta are wonderful – I hope for their sake, a solution can be found.”
Stephen Armstrong
Stepping into the world
of Stadia, Google’s
latest bid at global
domination, Armstrong
reveals the thinking
behind this hotly
anticipated device.
“There’s no console,
just a controller –
everything’s done in
the cloud,” he says.
“Stadia is a latecomer
- its competitors, such
as Xbox, have been
in this space for 18
years. That’s a lot of
expertise, but a slice
of a £112 billion market
is great motivation.”
Richard Benson
Jochen Zeitz is the
German entrepreneur
who’s out-Branson-
ing Richard Branson
when it comes to
sustainability and
ethical practices
in business. Writer
Richard Benson met
him en route from his
Kenyan nature reserve.
“Zeitz combines
modest affability with
steely conviction,” says
Benson. “He’s shown
that his approach to
business can work for
large brands – without
restricting growth.”
Pauline Bock
The fire at Notre Dame
cathedral stripped it
of nearly a millennia
of hand-crafted
architecture – but
Bock reports on how
digitisation will bring it
back to life. “Notre Dame
was laser scanned well
before the fire – this has
provided a roadmap for
restoration,” she says.
“It also means we can
still ‘visit’ the cathedral
as it was. There’s a
strong argument for
digitally protecting all
of the world’s major
heritage sites this way.”
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