Wired UK - 11.2019

(Darren Dugan) #1
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clothing or interacting with objects in
the store. The project drew attention

  • and investment – from Kanye West,
    Beyoncé and the designer Virgil Abloh.
    But on March 31, 2019, Hussle was shot
    dead in the carpark of the store.
    The path from Compton to Cupertino

  • where Apple has its Silicon Valley
    headquarters – is not an easy one.
    Sandu declined a place at MIT in order
    to focus on improving outreach from
    the technology industry to people from
    a similar background to his own. He has
    worked with the Obama White House and
    local politicians to launch STEM educa-
    tional programmes and foster technology
    development and coding skills within
    under-resourced areas of LA.
    Over the past couple of years, Sandu
    has offered mentoring and training to
    students from economically disadvan-
    taged areas in LA, and founded a new
    school in Ghana to increase technology
    literacy. He says schools have not changed
    to meet the needs of the first digitally
    native generation: “Technology has a
    lifecycle of about a month. But education
    and the curriculum remain the same.”
    For Sandu, the key objective is
    exposing young people in challenged
    areas to new ideas. “Inner-city kids are
    not exposed to what other students are
    exposed to,” he says. “This is even more
    evident in the field of technology.”
    He’s trying to redress the balance.
    Sandu posts reading lists on social
    media, and works on projects that bring
    together technology and music – he is
    a design and tech consultant at Kanye
    West’s Yeezy clothing, for instance.
    In July 2019, he received a $100,000
    fellowship from Paypal founder Peter
    Thiel’s foundation to take ideas about
    sustainable design and technology to
    Africa’s youth. His aim, he says, is “to
    provide everybody with equal access
    to information” so that they can choose
    what to do with it. Catarina Ramalho

and Snapchat, developed algorithms
for geolocation search features for
Instagram, and created a collision
detection interface for the autonomous
vehicle programme at Uber.
In 2017, he opened the world’s first
“smart store” – The Marathon Clothing,
in the Los Angeles district of Crenshaw

  • in collaboration with the rapper
    Nipsey Hussle, after another chance
    meeting at a local Starbucks. Sandu
    developed an iOS app that allowed
    visitors to unlock augmented reality
    experiences and exclusive music and

At 22, Ghana-born Iddris Sandu has
worked for some of the world’s biggest
technology companies and collaborated
with Kanye West. But the entrepreneur
owes his big break to Steve Jobs – and a
chance meeting at a public library.
As a child growing up in South Central
Los Angeles, Sandu was always inter-
ested in technology. “I remember my
mum getting mad because I would
always break remote controls up, and
rewire them to make other things that
I could play with,” he says. Then, when
he was 11, the first iPhone was released,
and the youngster was captivated from
the moment Jobs walked out on stage
wielding the era-defining smartphone.
After that, Sandu spent his summers
at the Torrance Public Library near
Compton, where he taught himself how
to code in C#, JavaScript and Python, and
studied the work of German industrial
designer Dieter Rams. In 2011, a Google
designer spotted the youngster checking
out books at the library and offered him
an internship with the search giant.
There he worked on the development
of the social network Google+, and later
created a mobile app that provided a
turn-by-turn navigation system for
his high school grounds. Throughout
his teens, he consulted for Twitter

Iddris Sandu:

going straight

back to Compton

Above: Iddris Sandu counts Kanye West as a business collaborator

A chance meeting in an LA library took this young
technologist from South Central to Silicon Valley. Now
he wants to give inner-city kids the tools to succeed


11-19-STIddrisSandu.indd 38 20/08/2019 01:10

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