Wired UK - 11.2019

(Darren Dugan) #1

Artificial Intelligence (AI) began the
decade as little more than a boardroom
buzzword – something to throw out
there if asked about your innovation
strategy. Ten years on, AI algorithms
are being deployed across many
industries, from financial services
and retail to sports and medicine.
2019 marks the tenth anniversary of
QuantumBlack. We have spent the last
decade deploying advanced analytics
to drive performance with the world’s
most forward-thinking companies,
and this has meant that we’ve had
a front-row seat as the AI revolution
has shaped sectors around the world.
The most significant change is
the marked growth in the ambition of
organisations wielding AI. Machines
are no longer undertaking mere routine
tasks – they are now guiding decisions

The Data Decade:

ten years of AI

Artificial intelligence has transformed numerous
sectors – but the biggest changes are yet to come,
says QuantumBlack, a McKinsey company

with major influence on our lives, from
loan applications to drug discovery.
This rapid expansion of responsibil-
ities has led the conversation around
AI to evolve in recent years. No longer
do people ask whether algorithms
could theoretically drive perfor-
mance – the talk is of what AI should
do once deployed: ensuring fairness of
predictions, efficiency in performance,
transparency in how it achieves results
and the ethics of its application.
AI presents huge opportunities in
unlocking performance and solving
problems for businesses – the
prize is great, but it will take collab-
oration across our communities.
At QuantumBlack we’re excited about
exploring these challenges – and
being at the forefront of the next ten
years of growth. quantumblack.com

No longer do people
ask whether algorithms
could theoretically drive
performance – the talk
is of what AI should do
once deployed

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