Artists & Illustrators - UK (2020-01)

(Antfer) #1


TOP Parrog Sunset,
watercolour on
paper, 30x22cm

RIGHT Limping
Invisibly, Llandeilo,
watercolour on
paper, 18x26cm

watercolour in a fluid, watery,
flowing way, and he uses drybrush
like nobody has ever used that
technique before.”
In contrast to the experimentation
of his fine art, his commercial work
follows a set process, beginning with
a detailed line drawing which is either
drawn by hand or from a 3D computer
model made by Caroline. He then lays
down the first wash for the sky,
typically followed by a wash of Raw
Sienna over almost everything else,
leaving a few white highlights.
While this is still wet, he blocks in
all the main colours (these are
generally premixed beforehand) and

then, once these areas are dry, he
adds a few layers of detail, carving
hard edges into the soft washes with
a fine brush. Next comes a wash to
create the shadow areas and give
everything a 3D form and sense of
light. Finally, he adds highlights:
small flecks of Opaque White mixed
with Cadmium Yellow.
“With the commercial work, it’s got
to be produced to very tight deadlines
and it’s got to work every time,”
he says. “With the fine art, there are
no deadlines and it doesn’t matter if
I mess a painting up, so I tend to push
the fine art much further and mess
up 70 percent of what I do.”

His fine art process is best
illustrated by looking closely at his
paintings. Limping Invisibly, Llandeilo
began with a loose sketch to get the
basic composition and tonal values.
He then divided this into four to make
it easier to transfer to watercolour
paper, and to ensure the composition
was asymmetrical. “I make sure
there is nothing bang in the middle,
because symmetry is such a loaded
thing – you need to avoid it,” he says.
Once the sketch was transferred to
the watercolour paper, he began the
painting with a top-down wash for the
sky, starting with Cadmium Red mixed
with a touch of Yellow Ochre and

Artists & Illustrators 37

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