World Soccer - UK (2019-12)

(Antfer) #1


Sheikh SALMAN bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa
Bahrain, AFC president, FIFA vice-president

The success of Sheikh Salman bin Ebrahim Al
Khalifa in heading up the Asian confederation
since 2013 has been enabled partly by the
political and financial aggression of the Gulf’s
oil- and gas-rich states...and partly by the
political inertia of China, Japan and South
Korea in the Far East.
Salman, a scion of the ruling royal family
of Bahrain, was born on November 2, 1965
and had played football as a teenager with
no great success. This was to be found,
instead, around the corridors of power
where his eminence opened doors.
Winning the AFC presidency in 2013 was
no simple matter. First, other hopefuls had
to be persuaded to step aside, then Bahrain
and his own human-rights records came
under international media fire. Salman
himself had to refute claims that

national-team players who took part in pro-
democracy, anti-regime protests in 2011
were arrested and tortured on his watch.
In the event, after weeks of accusations
and counter-accusations, Salman won with a
two-thirds majority in the first round of voting
in Kuala Lumpur. He also defeated Hassan
Al Thawadi of Qatar for a seat on the FIFA
executive committee. Within two years he had
moved to ensure that, in the future, the AFC
president should also hold the region’s FIFA
vice-presidency. Game, set and match.
Obtaining the presidency was the toughest

job and Salman has barely put a foot wrong in
consolidating his power, including re-election
in both 2015 and 2019. The only setback
was in losing to Gianni Infantino in the FIFA
election in 2016. But, even then, Salman
pushed the Swiss-Italian to a second round.
The future for Asian football is bright. China
hosts Infantino’s first redeveloped Club World
Cup in 2021 and Qatar stages its World Cup
in 2022. If all goes well under the glare of the
world spotlight then Salman might even start
thinking again about the FIFA presidency.
Keir Radnedge

Salman has barely put a foot wrong in consolidating
his power, including re-election in both 2015 and 2019
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