
(Frankie) #1^11

  1. Repeat to make a total of four border strip sets.

  2. Sew a 6½" black print square to each end of two
    border strip sets from Step 2 to make the top and
    bottom borders.

  3. Referring to the Quilt Assembly Diagram sew the
    remaining two border strip sets from Step 2 to the sides
    of the quilt center.

  4. Sew the units from Step 3 to the top and bottom of
    the quilt center.

  5. Center a large snowflake to each corner block and
    glue-baste in place then heat set.

  6. Whipstitch the edges with Ivory thread.

  7. Sandwich the quilt top, batting and backing; baste.
    Quilt as desired then bind.

Quilt Assembly Diagram

  1. Glue-baste the pine branches in place and heat set
    the glue/fusible front and back using a hot iron and
    pressing cloth.

  2. Whipstitch the pine branches to the background with

Forrest Green thread.

  1. Position the dusty miller stems in place and tuck
    them just under the edge of the center circle. Glue-
    baste, and heat set in place.

  2. Position the mistletoe branches, glue-baste and heat set.

  3. Whipstitch the dusty miller with Old Cottage Grey
    thread and the mistletoe with Black Olives thread.

  4. Glue-baste the center circle in position and heat set
    it. Whipstitch the circle.

  5. Using your preferred method, transfer the mistletoe
    berry branch lines to the quilt. With Golden Moss thread
    and a chain stitch, stitch the branch lines.

  6. Position the mistletoe berries in place and when

satisfied, glue-baste in position and secure with straight
stitches as shown on template H, with Ivory thread.

  1. Transfer the red berry branch lines to the quilt. With

Aged White Medium thread and a chain stitch, stitch
the first row of chain stitches on the branch lines. As
indicated on the stitching guide also stitch the second
row of chain stitching, using Muddy Bark thread.

  1. Position the red berries and glue-baste them in

place. Whipstitch the edges using Turkey Red thread.
Next add a French knot to each berry with Ivory thread.

  1. Position the small snowflake on the center circle and

glue-baste in place.

  1. Whipstitch to the center circle. Using the Center

Snowflake Stitching Diagram, stitch the lines and attach
the beads using Ivory thread.

Completing the Quilt

  1. Sew together two gray print 2½" x 36½" strips

together with a 2½" x 36½" black strip between to make
a border strip set.
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