
(Frankie) #1

(^38) Winter 2019
Deanna Hodson
We've all experienced the arts in our lives. Music, dance, poetry, paint,
and so on. Some of us have performed music or dance, while others
have dabbled (or excelled in) painting. There are also many of us who
have simply enjoyed watching, listening, looking, reading. How has your
life experience with art influenced your creativity as a fiber artist? And
feel free to share a fond memory.
Back in the 80’s with the Folk Art craze, I caught the bug and tried my
hand at it. The place where I took my Folk Art classes then offered a class
in oil painting. I loved the color and detail that could be achieved with this
medium and pursued this avenue to the point of painting a portrait of my
daughter Amy Lynn.
God’s amazing garden of flowers have always been a major focus in all my
artistic endeavors. Because of a move with job and family, there was no
longer time for my creative side. Then in 2001 when my mother passed, I
gathered her floral hankies and was inspired to make them into a quilt. Quilt
making and designing became my new avenue of expression. What a joy to
show off my garden of blooms year round. Seasons come and go, but my
home is always blossoming.
To give you a glance into the
creative minds of this issue’s
project designers, we asked them a
design-related question (below). Is
there a question you would like to
ask our designers? Send it to judy@ and
it may appear in a future issue.

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