
(backadmin) #1


Lavender-loving dietitian Julieanna Hever
( is the author of
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Plant-Based
Nutrition and The Healthspan Solution.



Everything about your health behavior
is based on habit. If you tend toward
a routine—the same favorite foods, or
making less-than-optimal choices—
remember: it’s just a pattern. You can
retrain those habits by shifting your
behaviors and sticking to them over a
period of time. With practice,
these new patterns will become
normal, comfortable, and easy. Here
are five healthy habits you can try
swapping in during the holidays.

IF YOU: Skip your workouts
because it’s cold outside
TRY: Taking it inside a gym or with
a new class (I suggest barre or HIIT),
and ask a friend to meet you to
boost your motivation

IF YOU: Indulge in too many
hors d’oeuvres and snacks in
bumper-to-bumper social events
TRY: Eating a filling, healthy meal
ahead of time so you can simply sip
on a beverage while focusing on
the convo and company

IF YOU: Nosh throughout the day
TRY: Time-restricted eating, or
narrowing the window of time in which
you eat and stay in the fasted state
for longer, which has been associated
with many health advantages

IF YOU: Indulge in decadent foods (à la
vegan cheese, faux meats, or ice cream)
TRY:Reserving them for special
occasions instead of on a daily basis—
these are amazing options for treats, but
are not ideal as staple foods

IF YOU: Go straight for the desserts
TRY:Fruit and fruit-based options, such
as nice cream (blended frozen fruit),
baked apples, or chia pudding with fruit

The Three “E”s

of Self-Care

The holidays tend to bring out intense
stress amongst even the most calm
people. From family gatherings to hectic
airports to freeways turned into parking
lots, there are many opportunities to lose
your cool. What’s worse, this situational
stress can also unnecessarily wreak havoc
on your well-being. Pause, take a breath,
and take control with these three “E”s to
help bring you ease this season.

Lavender, chamomile, and other calming
oils have been shown to relax, rejuvenate,
and refresh. They can be inhaled via
sticks, pods, or diffusers, or applied
directly to the skin.

It goes without saying that getting active
is the best way to naturally release feel-
good hormones and endorphins. These
substances interact with opiate receptors
in the brain and produce euphoric
feelings, relieve pain, and boost mood.


Despite the daily grind, you can always
remind yourself the situation is temporary
and that you can handle anything. Tell
yourself the same words you would tell
someone you love to calm them down.
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