
(singke) #1

NOVEMBER 2019 41

it was doing so by urging
her to be her own best
Now my advice would
be to do what feels right
for you, regardless of
which planet or planets are
involved with your 11th
house at any given time.
Remember, the planets
impel, they do not com-
pel. You are the master
of your own fate, and you
decide what is right for
you. Regardless of which
planet or planets might be
affecting your 11th house
at any given time, you are
the one making the deci-
sions about your life!
Having said that, there
is one more thing to con-
sider, which is that in our search for
friendship we often come across people
we really like or admire, and would like
to get to know better. Maybe from the
start, though, nothing clicks. Even if
the both of you end up as members of
a group of friends that meets often and
does things together, you are always on
one side of the table, and she is on the
other, and the two of you may end up
having little in common at all, or per-
haps you could end up competing for the
respect and affection of another group
member. This is a “frenemy,” and how
that plays into what we’ve discussed so
far will be covered in the next section.

Attitudes, Ideals, Difference
A careful look at your Sun sign below
will give you a helpful look into the
full picture of your attitudes and ideals

regarding friendship, as well as the qual-
ities that could turn a hoped-for friend
into a frenemy who is around more than
you would prefer, and whom you toler-
ate rather than like. You will learn the
sign on your 11th house cusp, and the
ruler of that sign, and will discover the
qualities of your ideal friend.
Aries: Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, is
your 11th house. Attitude toward friend-
ship: From the start of a friendship,
you are greatly enthusiastic about your
new companion, perhaps calling every
day, and texting even more often. Ideal
friend: Someone who is interested in
new experiences. This person won’t be
afraid to break free from the crowd, and
will be eager to follow his or her own
path. Frenemy: Leo people could prove
to be a bit too bossy for your taste. You
could find yourself in a power struggle
very quickly.
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