
(singke) #1

NOVEMBER 2019 53

such as gambling, reckless driving, and
unprotected sex.
Power days: 6, 7, 20, 21.
Goal for this month: Set firm
boundaries to prevent people from taking
advantage of you.


Your home, family, and personal life
are emphasized for the first three weeks
of November, while your ruler, the life-
sustaining Sun, is in Scorpio. Mars spends
the first 19 days in Libra, drawing attention
to your thoughts and ideas. Though you
are eager to get your point across during
this time, you should avoid being arrogant,
smug or pushy. That same advice applies
to you when you’re driving as well.
The Full Moon in Taurus on November
12 may bring a business matter to the
forefront. Be open to doing jobs that your
manager or employer wants you to do.
Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio until this
planet resumes direct travel on November

  1. Errors and misunderstandings can
    occur. After that date, you will be able to
    concentrate and communicate more easily.
    After Mars enters Scorpio on November
    19, things can become intense at home.
    You may be working there, taking care
    of a family or visitor, or trying to solve a
    personal problem.
    Power days: 7 , 18, 19, 21, 28, 29.
    Goal for this month: Do something
    nice for yourself every day.


Your finances are emphasized for the
first part of this month, while Mars is in
Libra, so you may have high expenses or
unexpected bills. If you need extra cash
and look for it now, you may get lucky and
find new sources of financial or emotional

support. Swift Mercury, your ruling
planet, spends all of November in Scorpio,
drawing attention to your thoughts and
communications. If you plan to go on a
trip this month or the next, confirm all
the arrangements in mid-October before
Mercury turns retrograde. Be sure to
examine all documents for possible errors,
as mistakes can easily happen.
After Mars enters Scorpio on November
19, you can communicate with more
energy and passion. Just don’t be smug
or pushy, and that also applies to when
you are behind the steering wheel. Take it
easy on November 12, when a Full Moon
in Taurus makes you slightly vulnerable.
Power days: 4, 7, 8, 13, 19, 25, 28.
Goal for this month: Be on time!
Punctuality shows that you respect other
people’s schedules.


Lovely Venus, your governing planet,
is in Sagittarius from November 1 to 25.
This influence helps you to communicate
with ease and grace. You can use words
to get some things you want. From
October 3 to November 19, Mars in Libra
energizes you and draws attention to your
appearance and your approach to life. You
can get a lot accomplished, working on
your own behalf. Just don’t be rude, nasty
or sarcastic. Some people may be attracted
to you sexually, whether you find them
appealing or not.
On November 19, Mars moves into
Scorpio, your solar 2nd house, where this
planet will be until January 3. You can
expect financial activity, and maybe an
unexpected bill or two. If you need extra
cash, this is a good time to look for new
sources of income or emotional support.
Avoid impulsive purchases. Don’t buy
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