
(singke) #1

NOVEMBER 2019 61

kitchen table with your family, and there’s
every reason to think it went well. Mercury
retrograde heading into your home sector
at the beginning of this month suggests
that some loose ends may remain. If, so,
tackle them between the 4th and the 9th
to get them settled, as otherwise Mars and
Saturn entering this sector near the end
of the month could bring them back, and
April—By the end of last month,
things may have begun to take a serious
turn in your life, but if so this will not
necessarily be negative. All it means is
that you will have to begin making your
ideas and plans from earlier in the year
into concrete realities. This requires hard
work, of course, and also requires you to
exercise discipline in how you go about
doing this. A key partnership may help
you out here.
May—With three planets going
retrograde this month, and Mars entering
tempted to play hooky from the task of
moving ahead to the next step in your plans
and your life. A souped-up planet like
Mars in a place that makes you inclined
to throw caution (and work) to the wind
minute from May 12 to June 27 to keep
yourself focused on work. Go ahead and
have fun, but set some limits.
June—One way to handle that little
Mars problem just mentioned is suggested
by Mercury moving forward in your
solar 9th now, with the Sun in that same
sector starting on the 20th. This creates
a very friendly astrological environment
in which to study, to learn, and even to
teach. This is one area in which, by the
way, Mercury retrograde isn’t so bad, as
you can teach and tutor while it is direct

and study while it is retrograde. The Sun
in this house, always direct of course, is
best for learning.
July—Mercury continues in your solar
9th all month, and into the next month as
well, going direct on the 12th. Since Mars
left the playful solar 5th on the 27th of
last month, you are now on solid ground
regarding anything you want to do of a
more serious nature. Saturn moving back
into your personal communication house
on the 1st may make you a little reluctant
to speak, but it actually can be helpful
when it comes to serious writing.
yourself engaged more than usual with the
world at large, as opposed to spending all
your input as worth listening to, but they
won’t hear it unless you get in touch with
them. The best time to do this is from the
19th to September 5. Mercury and then the
Sun (from the 22nd) are in your solar 11th.
Time to network.
September—By the 5th, you may be
less inclined to do the things necessary to
but it’s important to keep it up until at least
the 22nd. During that period you will have
help from Venus, Jupiter, and the Sun in
people willing to listen and to help you out
in your own endeavors.
October—The trend that began in
August continues now, mostly through the
presence of Venus in your solar 11th from
the 2nd to the 27th. This transit marks
October as a great time to get out and meet
people in social situations, but always
with business on your mind. You can form
lasting bonds with people you meet now,
so get out and mingle. P
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