2019-09-01 DESIGNLINES

(Romina) #1

A Riverside artist mixes media to realize her sun-filled
dream home



When artist Anna Church renovated her Riverside Victorian, she
had a purpose: to find the light. The moment she and her husband,
Nick Dalton, bought the house for their family of four in 2014, she
started planning. The house was dark, rundown and cramped,
but the saving grace of high ceilings and a quick all-white paint
job meant Church could take time to figure out exactly how she
wanted to craft her ideal space.
“I wanted to create a functional and beautiful home, but also a
place I can invite customers to view my art outside of the gallery
walls and to connect with it in an actual living space,” states
Church, whose work merges sculpture with photography. Using
leaves, plaster mouldings, old pieces of china, antique instruments
or whatever sparks her creativity, Church makes sculptures, which
she then photographs and turns into fine art prints.

TOP In the sunshine-drenched,
open-concept ground floor, savings (Wayfair
pendant; Ikea chairs) mingle with splurges
(custom dining table by Atelier Arking; area
rugs from Christie Antique & Vintage Show).

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