
(Barré) #1
Our theme last month
was confidence; finding
a positive perspective and
creating stress-free days.

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Your thoughts...

It’s wonderful to hear how our features and ideas have
inspired you. Here’s what you’ve shared with us this
month. We’ d love to hear what you think of this issue too...


Good choice
Yesterday I read Annika Rose’s
article about becoming more
decisive [issue 28] – it was so
helpful. “Make ‘good’ choices:
everyone wants to make the
‘right’ choice, and ‘good’ is
usually good enough. Striving for
perfection is likely to create more
stress, so remember that good
really is good enough most of the
time.” I needed to hear this!
Lindy Rogers, via Instagram
If you’re looking for tips on
becoming more decisive, take a look
online at bit.ly/ITMdecisive

Sitting with sadness
The article on sadness made me
buy issue 28 in the supermarket.

It stood out as us chronically ill
folk often have to deal with a
whole host of negative emotions
arising from our illness. Before
my health imploded and I moved
back to my home town, I was
very happily living in Leeds. Life
was good, then a bout of poor
health hit me and I moved back
home – ‘temporarily’.
But I know now, seven years
later, that I will never make it
back. That is not the path life
has taken me down. After
reading the article, it confirmed
to me that it is good to sit with
the sadness rather than try to
push it away. Sadness is part of
the rich tapestry of life. Also,
after acknowledging my sadness
today, it passed and now I am

In The Moment is the UK’s No.1 wellness
and mindfulness monthly, inspiring you
with mindful ways to live a happy and
fulfilled life. Every month we’ll bring you:

Uplifting news and features on
wellness, mindfulness, creativity
and travel that's good for the soul

Honest and informed advice from
trusted wellbeing experts on how to
bring more mindfulness into every
day, feel calm and look after yourself

A promise to be positive, practical,
joyful and fun – never prescriptive –
you choose what works for you

We value kindness, inclusivity,
diversity, integrity and happiness.

Our promise to you


Get in touch

Email: [email protected]
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