
(やまだぃちぅ) #1



Your choice of pot will depend on your positioning
and moving needs. I grow tomatoes on my garage roof
in old recycling tubs. Old, foam fruit boxes are also
suitable for small bush types, if at least 30cm deep.
Self-watering plastic pots are great when time is
scarce, and they look after your plants’ water needs
whenyou’reawayfora weekend.
Terracotta pots should be sealed inside fi rst with a
water-based terracotta sealer to reduce moisture loss.
Glazed terracotta pots are a more water-effi cient
alternative and look great, but are harder to move
around. Wheeled plant stands and trolleys are an
optionif youhaveheavypots.
Green woven planter bags are easily moved around
Hanging baskets and wall garden pots are suitable
only for the smallest tomato plants, and remember
that these are quick to dry out, so will need frequent
attention, or an automatic watering system.

Size it up
Indeterminate, or staking tomatoes need to be grown
in very large pots, of at least 40–50cm diameter. They
can also be grown in larger green woven planter bags.
The 45L bags or bigger are best for these tomatoes,
and 45L for dwarf tomatoes. Bags are available at
25L and 30L for smaller plants.
Determinate and dwarf plants can be grown in smaller
pots, but always research your tomato cultivar to make
sure the pot will be big enough, as even determinate and
dwarf plants can vary in size quite a lot.

Getting started
Tomato seed are best started in punnets, small pots or
multi-celled seed trays. Plant seed, into good quality
seed raising mix, two into each cell or pot. Cover with
a thin layer of the mix and water gently. Put into a
warm position, but not direct sunlight. Keep moist
until the seed germinates, and continue to keep moist
but not too wet until seedlings are at least 5cm tall.
Plant these seedlings (or purchased ones) into pots
with the seedlings deep enough so that the fi rst seed
leaves are covered. Water with dilute seaweed extract and
if the weather is still cool, cut the bottom off a plastic
bottle and pop it over the top as a mini-greenhouse. Make
sure you remove the bottle once the weather warms up.

Avoid cheap potting mix
Like soil, the potting mix you use is vital to the health
of your plants and a fruitful harvest. Always read the
ingredients before buying, as some contain water-saving
crystals, which are not organic. Coconut coir peat added
to your potting mix is an alternative to help hold more

Top: Bush cherry tomatoes can be grown in
medium-sized pots.
Bottom: Seeds can be sown in multi-celled trays. PHOTOS: GAP PHOTOS
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