
(やまだぃちぅ) #1


Starting new plants
Leave plenty of space around your fi rst plant, because
as it grows, the offsets produced around the base of the
parent plant will quickly grow into full-sized plants
themselves, with more offsets, eventually becoming
a sizeable clump.
Grow new plants by carefully removing and
replanting the small offsets, with their roots intact.
This can be done at any time of the year but is most
successful in spring.

Harvesting and use
The inner leaf pulp or gel is the part used. A few people,
particularly those who have a latex allergy, may have
skin that is sensitive to the gel. If you have never used
aloe gel, then test a small patch of skin before using
it more widely.
You can just cut off a short section of leaf and
rub the gel onto the affected area of skin. To harvest
more gel, cut off as many leaves as needed, slice them
lengthwise and scrape out the gel. Avoid collecting
any green or fi brous bits from too close to the leaf
skin as some people may be sensitive to these.
Use the gel within 24 hours. If you want to keep
it for later use, perhaps to take travelling, then cut
several leaves, split them and scrape out the gel into a
small saucepan. Bring to the boil and simmer gently
to a thick paste. Once cool, spoon into a small clean
jar and store in a cool place. Refrigerate once opened.
This will keep for several months. Use in the same
way as you would fresh gel.

Top and above: An aloe is pulled apart for repotting.
The offsets are detached and planted separately..

Aloe vera syn A. barbadensis

Climate zones: Tropical,
Subtropical, Arid/Semi-arid, Warm temperate,
Cold temperate
height: Bush 50cm, 80cm in flower
width: 50cm
Position: Full to partial sun
PLANT: Offsets Spring-Autumn
harvest: All year

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