BBC Science Focus - 10.2019

(Tina Sui) #1

A protein that is found naturally in
the brain could decrease behaviours
associated with anxiety, according
to US researchers. The protein,
neurotrophin-3, was found to stimulate
neurons to grow and connect within
the dorsal amygdala – an area of the
brain involved in emotional responses.
The team selected a group of young
rhesus macaques who displayed
signs of ‘dispositional anxiety’ – the
tendency to feel unduly anxious, or
perceive a wide range of situations
as threatening. They were able to
identify neurotrophin-3 as one of
the molecules related to this type of
boost levels of the protein within the
dorsal amygdala, and found that the
macaques’ anxiety decreased.
that we’ve been able to show in a

non-human primate to be causally
related to anxiety,” said Andrew Fox,
co-author of the study and assistant
professor in the department of
psychology at University of California,
Davis. “It’s one of potentially many
molecules that could have this effect.
There could be hundreds or even
thousands more.”
It is estimated that some three
million people in the UK have an
anxiety disorder, and more than 1 in
10 of us are likely to have a disabling
anxiety-related condition in our
lifetime. “These disorders are some
of the leading causes of disability and
days lost to disability,” said Fox.
Currently, patients living with anxiety
are offered a range of treatments to
manage their condition, but there are
no guaranteed routes to overcoming the
disorder permanently.

A treatment

for anxiety is

all in the mind



Macaques suer from
anxiety too

Boosting levels of a protein
that stimulates neuron growth
could o￿er new hope


A protein that is found naturally in
the brain could decrease behaviours
associated with anxiety, according
to US researchers. The protein,
neurotrophin-3, was found to stimulate
neurons to grow and connect within
the dorsal amygdala – an area of the
brain involved in emotional responses.
The team selected a group of young
rhesus macaques who displayed
signs of ‘dispositional anxiety’ – the
tendency to feel unduly anxious, or
perceive a wide range of situations
as threatening. They were able to
identify neurotrophin-3 as one of
the molecules related to this type of
boost levels of the protein within the
dorsal amygdala, and found that the
macaques’ anxiety decreased.
that we’ve been able to show in a

non-human primate to be causally
related to anxiety,” said Andrew Fox,
co-author of the study and assistant
professor in the department of
psychology at University of California,
Davis. “It’s one of potentially many
molecules that could have this effect.
There could be hundreds or even
thousands more.”
It is estimated that some three
million people in the UK have an
anxiety disorder, and more than 1 in
10 of us are likely to have a disabling
anxiety-related condition in our
lifetime. “These disorders are some
of the leading causes of disability and
days lost to disability,” said Fox.
Currently, patients living with anxiety
are offered a range of treatments to
manage their condition, but there are
no guaranteed routes to overcoming the
disorder permanently.

A treatment

for anxiety is

all in the mind



Macaques suer from
anxiety too

Boosting levels of a protein
that stimulates neuron growth
could o￿er new hope
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