(Sean Pound) #1


oning and butterflying a lamb leg turns a wintry cut into
one primed for barbecuing (see our recipe on p94). Not only
does a butterflied leg cook relatively quickly, it marinates well
and has the benefit of picking up char from the grill. “It’s one
of the easier and more satisfying home butchery skills to have a go at if
you use the shank end,” says Richard Gunner of Richard Gunner’s Fine
Meats and Feast! Fine Foods in South Australia, referring to the lower
half of the leg that doesn’t include the difficult-to-remove “aitch” bone.
While you may come across butterflied legs, “bone-in is cheaper,
so you can buy better quality”, says Gunner. Freeze the bone so come
roasting season you can pop it in the tray to enrich the pan juices.

Step by step

this and wait until you have a
few stored for a braise. Just cut
through the joint to remove the
top bone before freezing.)


Slide the knife under the
bone and, again removing
as little flesh as possible, free it
from the meat completely.


Lay the leg flat and trim off
any pieces of bone, gristle
and large pieces of fat. “Your aim

now is to make the leg the same
thickness all over,” says Gunner.
“This makes all the difference
when you cook it.” With a
smooth motion, slice horizontally
halfway through the thicker
pieces of meat, opening them
up like a book and folding out
until the thickness is consistent.


Make a few cuts in the
surface of the meat to help
it cook more quickly and evenly.

The butterfly effect Butterflying not only opens a lamb leg out so the
meat cooks evenly to the same degree throughout, it also maximises
the surface area, which helps when you’re adding flavourings. “Don’t
be afraid to put a few slashes in the leg,” says Gunner. “This makes
sure the muscle bundles won’t pull tight and curl up on the grill,
and also helps any spices or marinades you use to penetrate the
meat – I love either Greek-style with fragrant herbs, lemon, garlic
and olive oil, or North African flavours like harissa or ras el hanout.” ●

While you can use a paring knife,
a boning knife – typically a short,
curved knife with a rigid blade – is
designed for cutting through meat
and joints, and up against bone.
“The right knife will make your job
much easier,” says Gunner. That
might be a highly curved Tojiro
knife, or a more classic Mundial or
Wüsthof ($155, $54 and $144 from
Peter’s of Kensington, from left).


With the leg fat-side down
and the thick end facing you,
feel along the leg to locate the
knee joint. The first cut is from
the knee to the exposed bone
at the top of the leg. Make a
small cut where you judge the
bone to be, then feel with your
fingers to check you’re on the
right line, and continue the cut
along the bone towards you.


You can now pull the
meat apart a little to reveal
the bone. Cut along the sides
of the bone to expose it more
and more, aiming to leave as
little meat on the bone as
possible. “Take your time
and mostly use the tip of
your knife,” says Gunner.
And take care not to cut
towards your fingers.


With the bone exposed, slip
the tip of the knife under it
from the side and then cut up
along the bone to free it from
the flesh at one end. Now cut
down the bone the other way,
scraping down to the joint. The
whole bone should now be
exposed down to the knee.


Cut around the knuckle to
expose it (turning the leg up
on its side helps). Taking your
time, work around the joint, then
lay the leg flat again and cut
along the line of the bone to
expose it, before cutting along
the sides with the tip of your
knife as you did earlier. (Once
you reach the knuckle, it’s also
possible to follow the seam and
free the lamb shank with the





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