(Romina) #1
Ganache is only as good as the ingredients you use. It can be
a delicate beast, so stick to chocolates with fewer ingredients

  • avoid those containing emulsifiers and the like. Couverture
    comes in a broad spectrum of flavours and percentages, so
    experiment with diferent manufacturers to work out what suits
    your taste. “You have to trust in the brand,” says Wise. “If you
    want consistent results, find a chocolate you like, then stick
    with the same process every time.”

What chocolate to use?


happy union of cream and chocolate, ganache is a staple
of the pastry kitchen. Its many applications depend on its
consistency, which changes as it cools and sets. “Ganache is
a basic building block,” says Alistair Wise, of Hobart’s Sweet
Envy. “Once you master it, you can use it in a whole bunch of ways: we
whip it and use it in our Brooklyn blackout cake, pipe it onto
macarons, use it to make chocolate buttercream for cakes, or use it as
a glaze. It makes life pretty easy.”
Room temperature is best for storage, but there are exceptions to
every rule. “If it’s 40 degrees, don’t do it,” Wise says. “Making ganache
in a place like Cairns makes no sense. You should be sucking a mango.”

Step by step

can be poured over cakes; left
for a day it will set to a point
where it can be rolled and then
coated in cocoa or melted
chocolate to make trules;
after about an hour of cooling
it can be piped. Whatever you
use ganache for, store it at room
temperature (ideally in a cool
spot) with plastic wrap pressed
onto the surface – it’ll keep
like this for two days. Avoid

refrigerating ganache – fridges
do bad things to chocolate.


Another way to use ganache
is to whip it. Whipped
ganache can be piped or spread
as frosting, or served straight-up
like a mousse. Pour ganache
that’s just warm to the touch into
an electric mixer and whisk for
10-15 minutes until aerated.
Have a plan, as it’ll set quickly.

Ganache variationsWise tends to use 64 or 70 per cent chocolate,
and, occasionally, 35 per cent milk, or white chocolate. No matter
how dark or light the ganache, Wise uses the same amount of cream
(300ml) and glucose (50gm) each time; only the quantity of chocolate
changes. For a dark ganache (70 per cent, for example) it’s 235gm,
while for milk, it’s 500gm. Once you've mastered the basics, there
are more advanced ganaches to explore, including ganache made
with fruit purée (Wise is a fan of raspberry), and a “frightfully decadent”
ultra-rich ganache for tarts and puddings, but they're for another day.●


Combine 300ml of pouring
cream and 50gm glucose
in a small saucepan. Put it on
the heat and bring it to just
below boiling point.


Weigh out the chocolate.
As a rule, Wise uses the
same amount of cream and
glucose regardless of whether
he’s making white, milk, dark or
extra-dark ganache and varies
the chocolate quantity. For
dark (64 per cent cocoa
solids) it’s 255gm chocolate
(see “Ganache variations” for
alternatives). Cut the chocolate
into fine pieces; it needs to
melt quickly and evenly, so aim
for about the size of a five-cent
coin and avoid leaving any
larger pieces. Transfer chocolate
to a heatproof bowl.


Pour the hot cream over
the chocolate and let it
melt for a few minutes. If you’re
making milk or white chocolate
ganache it’s often best to melt
the chocolate first.


Stir the chocolate and cream
together with a whisk or
a spoon, but be careful not to
incorporate air – it’ll make the
final ganache spoil more easily.
If it’s not melting entirely, heat
the ganache slowly over a
saucepan of gently simmering
water and stir to melt. Once
melted and smooth, this is your
base ganache.


Ganache will begin to set as
it cools, and can be used for
diferent applications through





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