(Romina) #1



remember every detail of my
abuela’s hot chocolate. The way
she made it with fresh ginger, using
local dark chocolate, and served it
in a particular blue mug. The memory of
sitting there in the Dominican Republic,
the breeze coming off the sea, surrounded
by the voices of the strong women in my
family, is something I will cherish forever.
From those beginnings, hot chocolate
has grown to be something of a fascination
for me, and over the past five years I’ve
been seeking out the best hot chocolate
and keeping a diary of my travels online
at ultimatehotchocolate.com.
Why hot chocolate? Each has a story
to tell about the originof the chocolate
used and who the maker was. At Soma in
Toronto or CacaoDada in Seoul you can
taste single-origin hot chocolates while
watching them craft chocolate from bean
to bar. You can sprinkle in spices or herbs
depending on your mood and location,
liquorice in Helsinki, rosewater with camel
milk in Dubai or cardamom in London.
In Columbia it’s served with a piece of
oozy cheese; in New York, a homemade
marshmallow. I’ve had hot chocolate with

cream infused with lavender in France,
and even topped with cotton candy.
These drinks give me a chance to delve
into the culture of the cities and cafés I’m
visiting, to discover local approaches and
flavour profiles, learning more about the
people who make them. I discovered
champurrado, a prehistoric hot chocolate,
after speaking with a young man who
promised to take me to “the best tamales
in Mexico City”. The tamales at his
family’s restaurant were good, but the
champurrado was even better. He showed
me how to make it, with chocolate from
Oaxaca, corn masa, cinnamon and, most
importantly, time. Make it slowly, never in
a rush – the same way you should enjoy it.
But above all what I love about hot
chocolate is the experience it provides
when it all comes together in one perfect
package. The hot chocolate on the 103rd
floor of the Ritz-Carlton in Hong Kong
made me feel like I was in Paris at
Christmas and the one at Café de Flor in
Paris made me feel like I was in love. The
dangerously boozy one I had in Paraty in
Brazil turned me into a singer while the
lavender white hot chocolate at Fika in

Toronto was like a perfect snowy winter
day, minus the frostbite.
There are days when my body craves
the chilli hot chocolate at Steven ter Horst
in Adelaide, and I fear I’d overdose on
Campfire hot chocolate at Mork in
Melbourne if I lived there. I’ve had hot
chocolates in 55 countries and written
about more than 450 of them, and my
search for the ultimate hot chocolate
continues. But my favourite is still my
abuela’s, the one that started it all. There’s
nothing quite like it anywhere.

Hot Chocolate
This is the base recipe I use every day.
A good hot chocolate starts with good
chocolate. I prefer 72% but you can go
darker or even use milk or white chocolate.
My favourite is Guittard, from a family-
owned company in the US, which I can’t
get here. In Australia I’ve been using
Callebaut and Valrhona, but would rather
find something local.
In terms of ready-made powders I’m
a fan of Grounded Pleasures from Ballarat.
Mork makes a nice dark cocoa, and
Monsieur Trufe in Melbourne does a little
hot chocolate kit with chocolate chips.
I also melt down bars from Bahen and Co
(a WA bean-to-bar company) but that
makes for expensive hot chocolate.
I also add herbs and spices. A handful
of fresh mint leaves, cardamom, grated
ginger or even thyme are some of my
favourites. For even more flavour, steep
the herbs or spices in the milk in the fridge
overnight. I use about a teaspoon of dried
spice, or a small handful of fresh herbs.
I like to add a tablespoon of cocoa to
this recipe below to make the drink
creamier. If you’re using a really good
chocolate, though, just let the chocolate
shine on its own.

GISELLE WEYBRECHThas soug world’s best
hot chocolate at 450 venues in55 countries. This is her story.

50 gm dark chocolate for every 250ml
full-cream milk

1 Put all the ingredients in a small saucepan
and warm them slowly over low-to-medium
heat to 80°C. Don’t let the mixture boil.
2 If you’ve added any spices you may want
to put your hot chocolate through a sieve to
filter them out.
3 Use a whisk to froth up your hot
chocolate when it’s done. Top with boozy
whipped cream for an extra treat.●







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