
(Michael S) #1

6 Artists&Illustrators

I wasinterestedintheletterinSeptember’sissuereferringtopeinture
à l' ssene, promptedbyMartinKinnear’sarticle.Yearsago,I was
d tolearnthatToulouse-Lautrecusedpetrolasa medium
il sketchesandpaintingsinthecafés,barsandbrothels
asit driedextremelyquickly.
wastemptedtotrythismethod,it wouldhavebeenin
1960s,I didbuya bottleofessencedepétrole, most
bablyfromJermynStreet.I stillhavethebottleamongst
collectionofmediums.Whattheresultswere,I can’t
all,andI havenotrialsketches.PerhapsI shouldhave
o now,butinthesepuritanicaldaysofodourless
diums,it won’tbeinbarsorcafés– orindeedbrothels.
n Bell,Wells-next-the-Sea,Norfolk


For years I have been an amateur
painting and often, when I see
some of the wonderful pictures in
Artists & Illustrators, I think I’ll give
up as I could never achieve such a
high standard, but on second
thoughts I realise that I get such
pleasure from doing my modest
paintings that I might as well
Some months ago, I had an
operation and was not interested in
taking up my brushes. At last the
paints and brushes are being used
again and I feel so much better. If
you enjoy painting, don’t give up!
Marion Hiddleston, Lisburn,
Northern Ireland

What a refreshingly attractive and
informative magazine this is,
bursting with informative and varied
articles. Issue 409 was a joy to leaf
through and, on closer examination,
I found I was engrossed. Your
Claude Monet article was excellent,
thank you.
We, the talented masses, need
uplifting and educational articles to
inspire our efforts. Most of us have
never had the luxury of art colleges
and have had to make sacrifi ces
to fi nd the time and materials to
pursue our love of painting,
sculpture or whatever. More of this
calibre please – it is a keeper.
Linda Nisbet Powell, via email


Write  us!
Send your letter or email
to the addresses below:

Your Letters,
Artists & Illustrators,
The Chelsea Magazine
Company Ltd.,
Jubilee House,
2 Jubilee Place,
London SW3 3TQ

EMAIL: info@artists

The writer of our ‘letter
of the month’ will receive
a £50 gift voucher from
GreatArt, which offers
the UK’s largest range of
art materials with more
than 50,000 art supplies
and regular discounts
and promotions.

Just less than two years ago
I received a copy of Artists &
Illustrators through the post and
I instantly recognised the featured
artwork on the cover. It was by an
artist who I had met on an oil
painting course back in 2013. I was
amazed at what he had achieved
and how well he was doing since
then. It was very inspiring.
In a way it gave me belief in that if
you persist and work hard, success
can be achieved. Up until then I was
a part-time painter at best. I still am
really, as I work full-time and have
fi ve young children, so painting gets
done when I can squeeze it in.
Although I haven’t reached the
same levels of success as the artist
I have mentioned, I have started
gaining some recognition and
success of my own. Over the last 18
months, I have gone from not really
doing much, to exhibiting my work
with three prestigious art societies
in London and Edinburgh, entering
various painting events and coming
second place in a recent one only a
few weeks ago.
David Youds, via email

Just sending you an update on my
purchases after winning a £50 Cass
Art voucher for “Artwork of the
Month” with Artists & Illustrators’
Portfolio Plus monthly competition
in July.
Obviously, I went over budget with
all those oil paints! I was going to
add a couple of single tubes but
thought this set would be better
value as it had both the colours
I wanted. I used the new painting
knives to paint a tiny artwork from
a photo I took of a buff-tailed
bumblebee at my local garden
centre [below right]. Thanks again
for choosing my image.
Andrea Hook, via email

Glad to see you put the voucher to
good use, Andrea. Sign up for a
Portfolio Plus account today at
register for your chance to win an
art materials voucher in our
monthly email competition.

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of Artists & Illustrators tips, advice and
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