
(Grace) #1

Fig rolls

For the dough
125g (4½oz) butter, softened
85g (3oz) icing sugar, sifted
1 free-range egg
275g (9¾oz) plain flour
1 free-range egg, beaten, for
For the filling
250g (9oz) dried figs, roughly
250ml (9fl oz) water
1 tsp vanilla extract

1 To prepare the filling, place the
chopped figs, water and vanilla extract in
a pan and heat until gently simmering,
stirring occasionally. Allow to simmer
until the water has reduced to about
2 tbsp – this may take up to 30 minutes.
Remove from the heat and allow to cool.
Purée using a food processor or stick
blender, then set to one side.
2 For the dough, cream the butter and
icing sugar together in a large bowl until
light and fluffy. Beat in the egg,
then add the flour and bring together to
form a dough.
3 Lightly dust a work surface with flour,
then roll out the dough into a 25x50cm
(10x20in) rectangle. Trim the edges with
a sharp knife to neaten, then cut the
dough in half lengthways to form t wo
long thin rectangles.
4 Place half of the filling in a long line
down the centre of one piece of dough.
Wrap one side of the dough over the
filling and brush off any excess flour.
Lightly brush the top of the folded dough
with a lit tle beaten egg, then fold the
other side of the dough on top to stick

the two layers of dough together and
seal the filling inside. Repeat with the
other piece of dough and the remainder
of the filling.
5 Cut each piece of filled dough in half,


then transfer to a lined baking tray with
the seam underneath. Chill in the fridge
for 30 minutes. Towards the end of this
time, preheat the oven to 200°C/Gas
Mark 6.

6 Cut the dough into 4cm (1½in) pieces,
brush well with beaten egg, then bake for
18-20 minutes until lightly golden. Cool on
the tray for 5 minutes before transferring
to a wire rack to cool completely.
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