
(Grace) #1


crumble cake

220g (8oz) sugar, plus 1 tbsp extra
250g (9oz) plain yoghurt
¼ tsp natural vanilla extract
3 free-range eggs
300g (10½oz) plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
2 tbsp sour cream
10 rhubarb stalks (approx. 550g
(1lb 3oz)), trimmed and cut into
2cm (¾in) cubes
1 tsp ground cinnamon
ice cream or whipped cream, to serve
For the crumble
125g (4½oz) plain flour
50g (1¾oz) soft brown sugar
50g (1¾oz) unsalted butter, at room
½ tsp ground cinnamon

1 Preheat the oven to 230°C/Gas Mark
8 and line a 28x22cm (11x8¾in)
cake tin with baking paper.
2 In a bowl, whisk the 220g (8oz) sugar,

yoghurt, vanilla extract and two of the
eggs to a light, fluf f y mass. Sif t over the
flour and baking powder and fold
through to form a batter. Set aside.
3 To make the crumble, mix all the
ingredients in a separate bowl
until the mixture resembles
rough breadcrumbs.
4 In another bowl, mix the remaining
egg and the extra 1 tbsp sugar together
with the sour cream.
5 Pour the cake batter into the prepared
tin and sprinkle over the rhubarb
pieces and cinnamon, then spread over
the beaten egg mixture and top with the
crumble. Bake for 30 minutes, or until the
tip of a skewer inserted into the centre of
the cake comes out clean. Remove from
the oven and leave to cool slightly, then
remove from the tin and transfer to a
wire rack to cool fur ther. Ser ve warm or
at room temperature, with ice cream or
whipped cream, if you like.

Spiced honey
cake with brown
butter icing


400g (14oz) honey
4 large free-range eggs, separated
100g (3½oz) sugar
100g (3½oz) unsalted butter,
melted and cooled
250g (8½oz) light sour cream

(about 12% fat solids)
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
2 tsp mixed spice
500g (1lb 2oz) plain flour, sifted
For the brown butter icing
200g (7oz) unsalted butter
225g (8oz) icing sugar
250ml (8½fl oz) whipping cream

1 Add the honey to a saucepan set over
a low heat, bring to a simmer and
cook for 5 minutes until it foams up,
darkens and caramelises. Remove
from the heat and leave to cool.
2 Preheat the oven to 180°C/Gas Mark

  1. Line a 40x14cm (16x6¼in) loaf tin
    with baking paper.
    3 Whisk the egg yolks, sugar and
    cooled melted butter together in a bowl
    until pale and fluffy. Whisk in the sour
    cream, bicarbonate of soda, mixed
    spice and honey, then fold in the sifted
    flour to form a batter.
    4 Whisk the egg whites in a separate
    bowl until stiff peaks form.
    5 Fold the egg whites into the cake
    batter, then pour it into the prepared
    tin. Bake for 1 hour, or until a cake tester

inserted into the centre of the
cake comes out clean.
6 Meanwhile, make the icing. Melt the
but ter in a saucepan over a medium - low
heat for 3-4 minutes until it foams,
develops some brown flecks and smells
nut t y. Pour it into a mixing bowl and
leave to cool in the refrigerator for about
30 minutes.
7 Once cool, beat the butter until
creamy, pale and fluffed up. Beat the
icing sugar into the butter until
combined. In a separate bowl, whisk
the cream until stiff peaks form, then
fold the whipped cream through the
butter mixture until it has been
incorporated and you have a light,
fluffy frosting.
8 Remove the cake from the oven
and turn it out onto a wire rack to
cool completely.
9 Using a bread knife, cut the cake in
half horizontally. Spread half the
icing over the cut-side of the bottom
half, then sandwich the cake back
together. Spread the remaining icing
over the top of the cake and cut it
into 18 evenly- sized squares. Ser ve.
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