
(Grace) #1

46 baking heaven / WWW.FOODHEAVENMAG.COM

Cinamon roll ups

neutral oil, for greasing
1 large free-range egg, beaten
For the dough
110ml (3¾fl oz) whole milk
100g (3½oz) unsalted butter
1 tsp fine sea salt
250g (9oz) strong white bread flour
250g (9oz) plain flour, plus extra for
4 tbsp golden caster sugar
10g (¼oz) fast-action dried yeast
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground cardamom
2 large free-range eggs, beaten
90g (3oz) tinned pumpkin purée
For the filling
75g (2¾oz) unsalted butter,
softened, plus extra for greasing
150g (5½oz) soft dark brown sugar
¼ tsp freshly grated nutmeg
1 tbsp ground cinnamon

½ tsp ground cloves
100g (3½oz) pecans, roughly
For the glaze
165ml (5¾fl oz) Supermalt
250g (9oz) icing sugar
60ml (2fl oz) whole milk
60ml (2fl oz) double cream
½ tsp vanilla extract or paste

1 Warm the milk, butter and salt in a
small saucepan over a low heat, stirring
constantly, until the butter has melted.
Remove from the heat and allow to cool
until lukewarm.
2 Combine the flours, sugar, yeast and
spices in a large bowl (a stand mixer
bowl, if you have one). Make a well in
the mixture, then add the eggs and pour
the pumpkin purée into the centre. Pour
the lukewarm milk mixture into the
bowl, then knead using the stand mixer
fitted with the dough hook attachment

for 8 minutes. Alternatively, stir
everything until it comes together, then
knead on a lightly oiled surface until the
dough becomes less sticky and elastic.
3 Shape the dough into a ball and put it
into a lightly oiled bowl. Cover with a
clean tea towel or some oiled clingfilm
and leave to prove at room temperature
for 1½-2 hours, until the dough has
doubled in size.

1 To make the filling, mix the butter and
sugar in a bowl with the nutmeg, half of
the ground cinnamon and all the ground
cloves until it forms a smooth paste. Set
aside, with the remaining cinnamon in a
separate small bowl.
2 For the glaze, pour the malted drink
into a saucepan and simmer over a
medium heat for about 20 minutes until
it has reduced to 50ml (2fl oz).

1 Lightly grease a 12-hole muffin tray.
Once the dough has risen, flip it out
onto a lightly floured surface and roll
it out to make a 35x25cm (13½x10in)
rectangle. Spread the spiced sweet
butter evenly over the dough with
a palette knife or table knife. Finish
it off with an even sprinkling of the
remaining cinnamon and the
chopped pecans.
2 With the longest edge closest to you,
roll the dough up into a cylinder. Cut into
12 even slices. Place each cinnamon roll
in a greased muffin tray hole, cut-side
down. Place the tray in a large plastic
bag, close it loosely and leave to prove
at room temperature for a further
5 0 minutes, or until well risen. Preheat
the oven to 200°C/Gas Mark 6.
3 Brush the tops of the buns with beaten
egg and bake for 15-20 minutes, or until
they are dark golden brown. Remove
from the oven, place the tray on a wire
rack and allow to cool slightly. Combine
all the ingredients for the glaze in a large
bowl, including the reduced malted drink,
and whisk until slightly thick.

Slather each bun generously with the
glaze and allow it to set.

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