
(Jacob Rumans) #1


Refining your details
At this point I’m looking at the painting as a whole
and upping the shadow darkness and any other areas
that I want to really pop, particularly under the wings and
around the faces of the dragons.


Finishing touches
I add some gold coins to the dragons’ faces and over the tail using a mix of
white acrylic and Daniel Smith’s Aussie red gold. Some shadows behind these make
them pop. The coins help to integrate the dragons into their golden boudoir.


The finished article
Once I finish a painting I’ll usually leave it for a day
or two before I officially call it ‘finished’. That way I’m able
to see it better because when you’ve been spending
hours staring at something it’s hard to see the areas
where it can be improved.


Digital colour correction
Red and gold is very tricky when scanning and printing so I spent a little time
using Photoshop’s Color Balance adjustment tools to tone down the over-saturation
of the red from the initial scan.

In depth Embrace watercolours

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