
(Jacob Rumans) #1

Core Skills Drawing techniques


Contrast helps to separate form
Having a dark value pushed up against a lighter value will separate the two forms to the viewing eye. This can be a tool in your work when
attempting to better separate forms and distinguish subject matters. Having an effective use of contrast will create a piece that’s easier to read!

Notice how the different
forms in the dragon sketch
becomes more separate
from one another because
of the contrasting values.

Whenever two objects
intersect, I advise being aware
of the contrast between them
to keep them distinguishable.


Directing the Eye
Using contrast enables you to control how the viewer will see your drawing and where their eye will be directed. By creating a source of
well-placed high contrast, you’re also creating a source of interest that may be the focal point of the piece simply because of the contrast.

Because this is the highest point
of contrast in the entire drawing,
it’s also becomes the focal point.

By creating a high
contrast eye in this
drawing, the viewer will
directly be drawn to
this area because of it.
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