
(Jacob Rumans) #1

All of my workspaces are Alexa-enabled, so I can listen to music, watch TV, adjust lighting, set
timers, or even turn on reference photos or inspiring slideshows using just my voice! This is
especially helpful if your hands are otherwise occupied with any manner of chemicals or tools.

I’ve had the immense pleasure of commissioning and receiving art from talented friends
surrounding my story characters and their world, and having such personal art prominently
on display fuels my creative muses, and keeps me focused on the task at hand.

Although I work in the game industry and enjoy
gaming, I’ve found it’s helpful for me to minimise
distractions while I write, so I actually work on my
story on a simple laptop that can only handle
Scrivener and some light web browsing.

Me in my Art and
Writing Room with
a little Mandala
Raven raw casting.

Steinir is a dragon that I sculpted as a gift for a dear friend, and
he’s a creature of my own creation, and thus isn’t intended to be
fan art or based on any existing dragon designs out there. As such,
sculpting him was quite a freeing experience! I had a blast trying
new things and infusing a fresh personality into him. It makes me
want to sculpt more scaly creatures!

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